Vintage Tastings

By John Kapon

Experience the finest and rarest wines in the world through the eyes and palate of Acker Chairman and globally renowned master taster, John Kapon (our “JK”). “Vintage Tastings” is a written journal chronicling the incredible bottles opened at some of the most exclusive tastings, wine dinners, and events all over the globe. These entries represent JK’s commitment to capturing and sharing the ephemeral nature and ultimate privilege of tasting the world’s rarest wines. Although ratings are based on a 100-point scale, JK believes there is no such thing as a 100-point wine. Point scores assigned to each wine are his own personal attempt to quantify the quality of each experience.

A Hollywood Happy Birthday, Part I

Some people know how to celebrate. And when Hollywood Jef recently turned sixty, he celebrated in epic fashion. It was a DRC weekend, culminating in a sixty person BYO DRC extravaganza at his home, but I will get to that later. First, there was a warmup night, a pre-game if you will, just a casual night of Coche-Dury amongst friends.

Our Hollywood Hero

We started with the 1988 Krug Clos du Mesnil. It was delicious and is generally Bruce’s favorite of Krug’s exemplary wine. This had all the yellow richness and great spice that you expect with a great Clos du Mesnil, along with cedar, smokiness and a tangy, long finish. This is one for the ages (97+).

85 and 88

The 1985 Krug Clos du Mesnil was deemed ‘perfect’ by The Punisher. It was much more zippy in a leaner way, quite racy and dare I say fresher than the ’88, not that the ’88 had any problems! This wine had a great icy white personality, perhaps more suitable for my Scandanavian wine loving friends lol (95).

We quickly came to the heart of the birthday celebration, kicking things off with a 1989 Coche-Dury Meursault Perrieres. This was a bit dirty on the nose with some yellow fruit and a yeasty, alcoholic finish. The palate carried those yeasty, earthy notes over and seemed a little soft. It felt like it was still in its prime, and it got better with air, picking up some caramelly flavors. I can’t say it wasn’t disappointing though (92?).

One Great, One Not

The 1989 Coche Corton-Charlemagne was corked L, but the palate wasn’t bad enough to turn me away! There were many classic components along with nutty and caramel notes there, so it got a hall pass in my mouth, wait, that doesn’t sound right. Despite its corkiness, it clearly outshined the MP (96A).

The 2004 DRC Montrachet interrupted our programming, as The Punisher couldn’t wait any longer before having a decent white, and he always has at least a couple DRC Montys packed in his ‘carry on!’ The 2004 is The Punisher’s ‘favorite DRC Monty until the 2010,’ and he added, ‘while the 2008 has a fabulous unique style, the 2004 has arrived.’ With all its fat, rich unctuous butter and white spice, this was a ‘can’t miss’ white wine. It was so rich and so buttery with DRC’s classic kiss of botrytis. Yum diddy diddy yum yum (97).

Guest Starring

We got back to those Coches with the 1996 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne. Now we were talking. It had a sexy, musky nose with yellow and white flowers, acacia and honeysuckle. This was elegant and super classy, but there was still meat on its bones. The Rev thought this was a little more closed than the 1995 with which it shared the flight, but neither of us could get over its insanely long and sexxxy finish. It gained in the glass and was even better at the end of the night (98).

Heavy Lumber

The 1995 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne that followed was gamier and a touch more wheaty than the 1996 and much more open and inviting. This was all rainwater and yeast with corny, gamy fruit and a fleshier, more buttery and kinky palate (95).

Next up was the 1992 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne, which showed up with more rainwater and butter on its nose with that ’92 botrytis kink. It was lush, creamy, so sexy and good, with great sweetness on the palate. its sweet honey flavors made me coo, but this was still a vimful 1992 (96).

The 1991 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne had a bit of back alley and rainwater to the nose, but this leaner wine couldn’t compete with the other glasses around. It was a milder effort, still long on acid with nice intensity but less complexity (91).

We time warped and jumped to the 2002 Coche-Dury Meursault Perrieres, which had much ‘more sulphur’ per Bad Boy’s lady friend of the week. This was fresh and zippy with all the typicity of Coche. The 2002 MP was an outstanding and classic example of this wine, bringing this ‘premier’ cru back to the its rightful glory spot. Sorry, that should be G spot and glory…glory hallelujah! This had all the great spice and flexing acid this wine should (96).

The 2003 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne was simple, sugary, and a little one-dimensional. I didn’t have much to say other than ‘not my favorite vintage, especially for white’ (89).

Coche Countdown

The 2005 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemage was a beauty, with all the classic Coche goodness. It had all the balanced elegance that one could hope for in a big, ripe vintage. This was all about the white fruits and ice. There was an incredible smoothness on its palate along with nice spice, minerality and a long, smooth finish (95).

I wasn’t spitting much, and it was a long day of travel involving two flights to get here, so I was starting to fade a bit. The last couple of whites (before some reds) had some snippets qualify as notes. The 2006 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne was ripe, tropical and clean but a little simple. Perhaps it was some palate fatigue setting in, but I still found the wine at the bottom of excellence (93).

The 2007 Coche-Dury Corton-Charlemagne drank better, with a longer finish in the classic white, icy style. This was an outstanding wine, although I am not sure it will get much better (95).

It is difficult to subsist on white wine alone, even in LA, so we were happy to see some reds, beginning with the always spectacular and pleasurable 1959 Lafite Rothschild, which had its usual super sexy cassis, cedar, pencil and so much purple fruit goodness. It was fresh and young, but The Rev felt it was lacking its usual long finish. There was a lot of tobacco and some grit to the bottle, which is still the best Lafite of all time for me, even though this rating isn’t its potential highest score (97).

Red Red Wine

It is always nice to see a good bottle of fifties Petrus, and tonight’s was the 1959 Petrus. On this night, it was riper than the Lafite and, of course, more Pomerol-ish. It showed lots of deeper purple rain and chocolate qualities. It was chunky and oily, and it took me a while to pin down which vintage it reminded me, and then it came to me in a flash: 1970! It had that same chunky richness. There were nice curds and whey, so I obeyed (96+).

Wait! There were a couple more Coches, the young bucks, Greek Freaks if you will. We came back to where we started to close out the meal, and the 2012 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne delivered. Yes, it was too young, but it was sweet, sugary, and decadent, a hot chick of a wine, too young but nice to taste. Its finish really impressed me with its length; there was much more conversation to be had here than the usual hot chick lol (96).

Young Stallions

The 2010 Coche-Dury Corton Charlemagne was so elegant and so long (I wrote: see previous note with The Rev and Bad Boy in LA, or did I not write that one up?). It was reminiscent of the 1996 vintage upon its release, another vintage that Coche released late, except I think that it was 1k a bottle at the time not five! It was still quite shy, but one sip had me once bitten. The wine was clean and pristine, clearly with the most potential generosity (98).

Now that was a nice warm up to the main festivities. To be continued Hollywood style!

Credit Extended

In Vino Veritas,

45s and 82s

When it comes to young Bordeaux, the market has soured, but when it comes to mature Bordeaux, everything is still sweet. While young in the market means 2005 and younger, young for the seasoned Bordeaux drinker might be considered to be 1982 and younger. 1982 is that borderline vintage between young and mature; it is a vintage just starting to show its skin, so to speak. As the ’82s blossom into the ’61s of ten and fifteen years ago, they look more and more undervalued in the market, actually. Given the prices of Bordeaux over the past decade, everything 1982 and older looks extremely reasonable, and these are the wines that show beautiful maturity. I just had a 1979 Margaux recently in Sao Paulo, and it was so delicious, and it is so cheap, cheaper than 2014. How does that work again?

Cork Salad

Recent trips to Europe and Nantucket saw me drinking lots of Bordeaux, and significant selections from two of its most righteous vintages, 1982 and 1945. There is no doubting the greatness of 1945, arguably the greatest vintage of the 20th century. There should be no doubting the greatness of 1982, either. I think there is still some Parker envy relating to 1982, since this was the vintage that made him a star, and so many still can’t accept it. Anyway, consider me a 1982 lover, I even had kids with one 😉

We began a beautiful retrospective of 1982s at the amazingly great Nantucket Wine Festival with a sumptuous 1982 Montrose. It had a gorgeous nose that was nutty, honeyed, sweet and balanced with great caramel qualities. Its palate was long, smooth and lingered right up to the border of outstanding. A pinch of herbs rounded out this delicious and classy Montrose (94).

Room with a View: Nantucket

A 1982 Cos d’Estournel was unfortunately corked, which was a shame since this can compete with the best of the vintage (DQ).

The 1982 Grand Puy Lacoste immediately showed how good Pauillac is in this magical vintage. Its nose was rich, buttery and heavy with blacker walnut, slate and nutty aromas. Garden and fresh herbs added complexity to this rock solid wine. There were more tannins here on its rich palate, which had great minerality on its finish. This was still young (95+).

The 1982 Leoville Poyferre was smooth and pretty. It was softer and the most mature of all the 1982s, but that was ok. It tasted like it had a higher Merlot concentration, but it also possessed great caramel and cedar flavors. Though more mature, it was quite tasty and not declining by any stretch of the imagination (93).

1982s Happy Together

I expected the 1982 Leoville Las Cases to be one of the wines of the day, but this bottle needed more time. It was a bit oakier at first, lengthy yet smooth. Its tannins had flesh, and its fruit morphed into delicious, but in a more violet and herbal way. It ‘acted like a shock absorber’ per Omar, and we both sensed more Cabernet Franc here than anything else. I will say I have had better bottles, not that this one was off (94).

We changed gears to St. Emilion and a 1982 Canon. This had a great nose, with that St, Emilion/Cab Franc thing happening, again with violets but also with great musk. The wine was round and tasty with nice stones, herbs and purple kink. It, too, was on the border of outstanding, but it just made it across. A real pleaser, especially given the price in the market (95).

The 1982 Ausone came from the dark era of Ausone, that mid-60s to mid-80s era when the wine simply was not great like before and after. This was much mintier and wintier, so to speak. Red fruits gave way to Christmas trees and pudding. At first, it was softer, easier and tender, but it put on weight with time in the glass and with food. It fattened up and out (93).

The 1982 Cheval Blanc was more reserved. It was dustier and lighter than expected, as the Canon stole the show. There was great intrigue and subtlety to its aromatics. This, too, was smooth and long, and it continued to improve and flex more and more. Omar hailed Cheval as the ‘one-third wine.’ It is right next to Pomerol, its gravelly soil is reminiscent of Graves, yet it is St. Emilion, of course. Ultimately, I gave it the same score as the Canon, but the Canon was more enjoyable today (95).

The 1982 Haut Brion was delicious but advanced. It had an intoxicating, sweet nose that reminded me of the ’45 Mouton I had the night prior, but I will get to that more later. Its minty, sweet, brown sugary nose was very inviting, but it was more advanced and more mature than every other wine so far. It was still so good, but it was more ’45 than ’82. I guess that’s a compliment. If it was really a 1945, I probably would have given it a point or two higher, which sounds like the definition of pedigree (95A).

The 1982 La Mission Haut Brion was a spectacular bottle, probably the best one of this that I have ever had. It was young and tight, full of black fruits. There was a flash of sweetness, but this was a taut, stacked wines. Flavors of charcoal, gravel, chocolate and nuts blended together like a ’60s quartet of rhythm, blues and soul. Shit, that’s a trio (98).

The 1982 Mouton Rothschild was much tighter in the nose, but more open on the palate. There were hints of BBQ, cassis, green fruit and honey. Rich, buttery and raw potential oozed into my mouth. This was the most open and giving ’82 Mouton that I have ever had. The fruit had more layers than government red tape, and it went fifteen levels below ground zero, making it (98+).

I had the good fortune of participating in another tasting two weeks prior in a different continent, the one called Europe. There was a trio of 1982s amongst many other wines one evening in Switzerland, beginning with a 1982 Lafite Rothschild. Spice, cedar, cinnamon and pencil all gave those signature Lafite impressions. It felt a little lighter after the food, and it lacked ripeness, but it was still pretty. This was more elegant and beautifully balanced (95).

Room with a View: Switzerland

The 1982 Latour is usually, but not always, the wine of the vintage. On this night, everything was normal. The Latour had a much deeper nose with loads more fruit and a touch of chocolate. It was a big, ripe wine that could only be Latour. This had the biggest and loudest volume of all the ’82s, and it was even more than outstanding (98+).

1982 Pauillac Studs

This bottle of 1982 Mouton Rothschild wasn’t as ripe as the one in Nantucket. It was more pointed, a touch leaner, with leather, cedar and a nice, long finish. There was more fruit in the mouth and on the finish, and it kept getting better. This was big and polished (97).

We interrupt these 1982 tastings to bring you a quartet of Chateau Latours, brought directly from the Chateau, as a supplement to this European evening. Suffice it to say, they soon became the main attraction! We began with a 1947 Latour, which had a nice nose with lots of cedar, walnut, wheat, stones and black fruit. There was this lightly herbal edge and a bit of volatile acidity to its palate, which possessed a lot of old book flavors. The wines were served blind, and at first I thought this was the 1950, as the palate was a bit lighter than the average Latour. However, it kept putting on weight in the glass and got quite rich. It possessed the most sweetness of the flight, with chocolate taking center stage. Its finish was very chalky and dusty, and this wine was just a step away from being truly great (94).

Great Old Latours

The second wine of this blind flight was a touch weird at first, possessing banana peel and coffee grinds in its nose. A touch of cinnamon freshened up the back alley action that was trying to work itself out. The palate of this 1949 Latour was quite pleasant, solid but again a step short of greatness. Frederic found it ‘a little mushroomy.’ We later found out that the ’49 and ’50 that followed were both recorked in 1992 or 1993, although Latour doesn’t indicate that on the cork. On average, they sacrifice one bottle for every two cases when they recondition (94).

The 1950 Latour had a thicker finish with a strong grip. It was drier with more desert qualities and a leathery personality. Its nose had great spice and earth aromas, along with black tobacco. Its palate was big, rich and chocolaty, but with a little air, it came back down to Earth. Initially, it was my favorite, but it got leaner in the glass, a touch too quickly (93).

The crowd was pretty much equally divided as to its favorite of the first three wines, but there was no denying that the 1961 Latour was the wine of the night. There was a similar fruit profile here to the previous Latours, in a much younger and more virile way. This was much deeper, and much more serious. There was a lot of intensity here, and the ’61 Latour had all the right moves and all the right curves to move in the first place. My notes read, ‘I’m yours.’ Not sure if I meant the wine said that to me, or I said that to the wine. Either way, it was on. ‘Raw’ and ‘chocolate’ came from the crowd, and Frederic admired its ‘noble herbal energy.’ There was great minerality and outta control spice to this increasingly complex wine. Flavors of tightly-wrapped nuts in cassis lingered seemingly forever. By the way, there are 25 Imperials left of this vintage at the Chateau. Damn (99).

Speaking of damn, one of the great tastings of the year was in Nantucket, where Mr. Nantucket himself hosted an evening of 1945s at his home. This was part of the Nantucket Wine Festival, a highly recommended wine extravaganza held every mid-May. It’s even better when you attend the Acker Merrall VIP Experience, of which both the ’82 and ’45 tastings were part.

The Greatest Vintage of All-Time

The 1945 Cos d’Estournel set the evening on the right course with a fabulous nose full of smoke, cedar, charcoal and nut. This was a clean and smooth wine. Its palate was satiny, balanced and creamy. While delicate, it was still charming, with delectable cherry flavors and a nice, dry finish. The Fink found it ‘more interesting’ than some of the warmups (94).

The 1945 Palmer had a deep, dirty nose, but in a good way. It was nutty and deep with a chocolaty, beef satay edge. Its palate was full, lush and heavy, and we were certainly in outstanding territory. The muscular style of 1945 flexed here in this big, rich wine. It kept getting better (96).

Cheval Blanc was the only Right Banker on this evening, and it didn’t disappoint with its red, wintergreen and forest fruits. It needed a little more time to open up and shake some metallic edges out, but the earth came out eventually. The animal, the mineral and the vegetable were all there. This bottle of 1945 Cheval Blanc stayed fresh, and its acid really stood out. This had some gorgeous t ‘n a, worthy of Instagram. Yes, I’m hooked, find me @john.kapon . That’s where you get the real time wines being tasted, but still far from all lol (95).

The 1945 Lafite Rothschild had a touch of VA in the nose that blew off with time. Aromas of ramps and leafy greens gave way to caramel and cedar. Its palate was fleshy, and that initial touch of madeira blew off into a solid and delicious wine, but not one of the vintage’s elite (94).

The 1945 Chateau Margaux had a mmm mmm great nose that was smoky, elegant and smooth. It had this ‘good cardboard’ to it, like a new Chanel box for women. Its palate was simpler and easy, a bit woodsy yet pleasantly full-bodied (93).

Unfortunately, two of the greatest wines of the vintage, Latour and Haut Brion, were oxidized bottles. It happens. When you play in the big leagues of great, old wines, there will be losses, but the wins will outnumber them in the end. The bottle of 1945 Mouton Rothschild that followed was so good, it made up for a hundred bad bottles. It had that signature mint and eucalyptus that has made this wine legendary, akin to 1974 Heitz Martha’s. There was meaty, chewy fruit that had just the right amount of sweetness with its caramel, cassis and mixed nut flavors. It had an endless finish, caressing every inch of my mouth all the way down to my soul. This was both mature and youthful, a middle-aged wine in great shape, so to speak. It wouldn’t surprise me if this wine had another 70 years left in it (99+).

Cork Salad 2

Young Bordeaux may be out of fashion, but if anyone need to be reminded of the greatness of Bordeaux, pop open a 1982, or even better a 1945. There is no denying the great pleasure these great vintages and wines give when of a certain age.

In Vino Veritas,

Bordeaux, Baby

Ok, I officially recognize that I am still stuck in March and now three months behind all my notes, and that I never even wrote up the hundreds of Burgundies tasted during our Grande Fete de Bourgogne week back in February. Now that I have addressed my guilty conscience for all these notes I have yet to share, I am addressing another thing that has me feeling guilty – too many of my notes are Burgundy, and I am not sharing enough notes for all the other wine regions. Truth be told, I do drink a lot of everything. Italy is a particular pet peeve, as are the dry GG German Rieslings, Austrian Gruners, and the great value that represents the Rhone, to name a few. But the first place I have to go after Burgundy will always be, of course, Bordeaux.

Now before I dive into a most memorable evening of Bordeaux I had last month, I have some unfinished business that first week of March, and a magnificent dinner hosted by Tom Terrific at Quince in San Francisco. It was a Magnum Burgundy dinner, carefully curated by Dapper Dave, with some very special magnums assembled with some of New York and San Francisco’s greatest wine intelligentsia. I guess I do drink a lot of Burgundy, it even has to make its way in my Bordeaux article lol. So here is the lineup and scores, before a brief summary paragraph or two.

So my first observation of the night was that there is a reason that the prices of Rousseau and Dujac are exploding in the market. The proof was in the bottles of the three most spectacular wines of the night. The 1993 Rousseau is one of the greatest Burgs ever made, as a recent lunch in LA also confirmed. The red fruits, the Asian spices, it wasn’t too rich or too sweet and perfect in each of those regards. It was like an elegant jackhammer.


The 1985 Rousseau was close behind it, a bit more yeast with lots of busty red fruit and a granular, granite-like finish. The Dujac was amazing, especially how tight it was, as ’85 is a forward, pleasing year, but this was still not ready despite its beautiful freshness, leather and m۩lange of red and purple fruits. It brought sexy to the party. The only other wine belonging at the top of the pyramid was the 1990 Ramonet. It was lipsmacking and zippy, with milk, corn, spice and mint, and while its fruit was showing some outstanding secondary qualities, its finish was still ascending and primary. It outclassed all the other whites by a few lengths.

Killer 85s

Other than that, while the DRCs were outstanding, they were all a touch dirty and disappointing to some. I had the good fortune of trying three separate bottles of 1991 LT recently at the same occasion, and one of them had that same dirtiness, but not all. Bottle variation is a real thing! The Meo was great but tight, one even calling it ‘repressive.’ It was heavy and deep with lots of animal and natural gases and minerals. I look forward to seeing this evolve over the rest of my life, because that is what it might take! I should also note that a recent bottle of 1993 Lignier Clos de la Roche in NYC was 97 points and spectacular, but this magnum was unfortunately off.

1991 DRCs

Ok, that’s enough about that Burgundy stuff. Let’s talk Bordeaux. On a spring night in New York City, at a restaurant called Daniel, The Big O gathered a few wine hunters together for an epic evening of claret. Well, it wasn’t just any claret, we were talking First Growths, and he first asked us to think about the ’¢óìhouse style.’¢ó He paraphrased Frederic Engerer of Chateau Latour and his views of the Fab Five Firsts. Lafite has the finest tannins, while Latour is more muscular and statuesque in the best vintages, and with enough time the fruit smiles at you. Margaux is the most feminine and floral, while Haut Brion is the most terroir based. Mouton is the most exotic and flamboyant, and those were one very knowledgeable man’s opinions about house styles. Now here’s my opinion about twenty First Growths, fifteen of which were 1961 and older. Let’s go.

Always a Good Sign

We had an ‘acclimation’ wine, a 1978 La Mission Haut Brion. While it lacked the intensity of another recent bottle, it was still a very good wine. Soft, tender and smooth, it was very fresh and ‘delicious.’ Miss Moutai found it quite ‘smoky,’ and an amazing and distinctive Smores like quality developed in the nose with time. However, this particular bottle lacked oomph; another recent bottle was closer to 95 points (92).

The first official wine from our program was a 1989 Haut Brion, not a bad way to start. Although it was served a touch cold, it was as regal as always, so fine, long and elegant. It had a deep ocean of fruit in the mouth, and I saw both the ’59 and ’61 in it, as in the best of both worlds. This was rico suave, and Miss Moutai found (or it) ‘bananas’ (98).

98 X 3

The 1961 Haut Brion had an ‘oh yeah’ nose that was talking out loud with its nutty and creamy style. It had the caramel and the smokehouse with a touch of band-aid along with palm tree and cocoa butter. The cocoa butter really took over, excitingly so. This was a rich, sumptuous, decadent and creamy palate with nice grit, and it was right there with the 1989 qualitatively. Miss Moutai admired its ‘salinity,’ and there was no doubting the quality of the bottle of the glorious 1961 (98).

The 1959 Haut Brion was richer in the nose and more chocolaty. There was a touch of game, but its palate delivered a richer, denser experience than the 1961 with better concentration. There was more plum and chocolate again, and cereal flavors emerged. It had a ‘well formed backbone of acidity’ per one guest, and was ‘coherent and consistent’ per another (98).

Alas, the good luck couldn’t last, and a 1945 Haut Brion was (DQ).

It was Margaux’s turn, starting with a 1982 Margaux, Chateau Margaux lol. There were great grains to its nose, every cereal flavor imaginable. Its mouth was rich and round with a nice kiss of peppermint. There was nice length to this smooth and delicious red, although it was a bit mild. ‘Wet Shitake’ came from Miss Moutai (95).

The 1959 Margaux had lots of black fruits, and more of that reference iron fist. There was more animal here, almost sweat. It was rich and round like the ’82, with nice charcoal flavors on its finish. This was an outstanding wine, a fastball of a Margaux with equal status to the 1982 (95).

The 1945 Margaux was full of old library and old book, much lighter with a more elegant style. This was a pretty wine but a bit of a funky monkey with some windshield wiper in there as well. It was a bit weird at times (91).

Victory Vintage

There was a great nose full of caramel city. It was rich and sexy with loads of toffee candy. While delicious, it quickly lost a step in the glass. Special K noted, ‘blood,’ and someone else admired its smoky and meaty qualities. The wine was a 1928 Margaux (95).

A discussion about the Margaux flight ensued, and the concept of femininity came up, and how that should not be considered equivalent to being weak. Margaux was not feminine like a flower, but rather feminine like a bomb, reasoned one of the women in attendance. I have seen many feminine bombs firsthand, and I agree. I can safely say they are the most deadly lol. Both the HB flight and the Margaux flight had great consistency, and someone observed ‘mint mint mint’ in the Margaux.

Now it was Lafite’s turn, beginning with a 1986 Lafite Rothschild, which was quite elegant. This was more feminine than any Margaux, smooth and soft like satin sheets at first. Its palate had lots of wheaty flavors, and nice concentration emerged with time. This was an outstanding feminine specimen lol (95).

The 1966 Lafite Rothschild was a bit of an outlier given the quality elsewhere, but we marched on. There were curds and whey here with sweet and sour fruit. Special K found it mousy, and it was definitely thinner than anything else so far (90).

It was back to business with a rich and decadent 1959 Lafite Rothschild. My long love affair with this vintage of this wine has been well documented, and my affinity was there all over again with just one whiff. There was this black cherry soda goodness, and the palate was so special, just a step or two behind other memories but still oh so sexy. Cassis, pencil and sweet tannins filled my mouth with glee (97).

Greatest Lafites Ever?

The 1953 Lafite Rothschild has long been a legend of this vintage, along with Margaux. This bottle didn’t disappoint. It was a pinch weedy at first, but it still had this rich toffee decadence. This was a ‘honey bunny’ per one of the guests, and its honeyed sweetness tickled all my senses, too. ‘Pure genius’ was noted by The Big O, as well as the fact that this flight wetted his appetite to the point of salivation, well, at least the last two wines. On this night, and with these two bottles, the ’53 surpassed the ’59 (98).

The next stop on our First Growth train was the 1961 Latour. While the ’61 has always been considered the reference point vintage for this esteemed Chateau, truth be told, more often than not I have preferred the ’59 when head to head. We will get to that soon enough, but first the ’61. It had a deep, dark nose that was wealthy, aka more than rich. Its profile was as black as midnight, and its nose full of heavy cream. There was great tree bark spice here as well, and it was tannic like 1996 to one. While not as thrilling as I wanted it to be at first, it gained in the glass with time and each sip. This was a wine that definitely unfurled (97).

Fantastic Four

The 1959 Latour was richer and frankly better than the 1961. It was another example in my case study. ‘Again ’59 reigns supreme,’ I wrote. Not much more needed to be said, other than black, rich, leathery and zippy. This was a great wine (98).

The 1949 Latour was clearly older than the previous two wines, but there was still outstanding complexity here. There were great old book flavors in this super sexy wine. It was long with a crackling finish, but air took a lot of wind out of the ’49’s sails rather quickly. It got a bit herbal and vegetal thereafter, but it still maintained its outstanding status (95).

The 1929 Latour, the second oldest wine we would have on this evening, had a bit of hot sauce to it. This was buffalo wing city in its nose. It was another rich and sexy wine, adding sumptuous to the mix. There was still grip initially, but a bouillon characteristic soon took over. While the ’61 ascended a couple of points, the ’29 descended accordingly. Cherry cola, barn, hay and mesquite all joined the party. The first sip was 98 point territory (96).

There were four more Firsts to go, the first being a superlative bottle of 1982 Mouton Rothschild. This was so young compared to almost everything else so far, deep and dark like a forest at night. I started to lose sight of my notes, but I saw tobacco and a good quote from The Big O, who could ‘see the future of the wine.’ I didn’t lose sight of my score of this impressive ’82 (98).

There was another very good but lesser ’66, this being the 1966 Mouton Rothschild. It was full of animal, barn and hay, a bit weird. It was Mouton light with ‘peanut butter.’ Another found it to be a good ‘chugger’ (90).

The 1947 Mouton Rothschild was a touch mature and a touch dirty. There was band-aid here as well. This is usually a dead ringer for 1974 Heitz Martha’s, but not on this occasion. I don’t think the bottle was perfect (93A).

Doesn’t Get Much Better

There was one perfect bottle, or as close as it gets, since I don’t believe in perfection. The 1945 Mouton Rothschild once again proved to be one of the greatest wines of all time. The mint, the eucalyptus, the soy, the tea leaves…there was a log going on. Someone found ‘hoisin,’ and without question this was the heaviest and most concentrated wine of the night. This was, indeed, flamboyant, so exotic, practically ‘medieval’ per one. If you wanted to argue that this was the best wine ever made, it would be tough to argue otherwise, although I might have 3-4 recommendations, and they all start with DRC or Petrus (99).

It was great to get back to the Bordeaux basics thanks to The Big O, and it reminded me while Burgundy may be more exciting and enticing for those first thirty years, and while it may be a coin flip for the next twenty, it is tough to argue with the reliability and the ageability of great Bordeaux to go 50-100 years. There isn’t much better, and therein lies its greatness. Cheers to Bordeaux!

So Happy Together

In Vino Veritas,

Merci Martine! San Francisco, Part II

One of my favorite dinner companions of all time is the legendary wine importer, Martine Saunier. Martine has been one of the great wine ambassadors of French wines for decades, and any evening with her is full of wonderful stories, great conversation and lots of laughs. Whenever I am in San Francisco, she is on my short list, hot list or short-hot list.

When last we dined in New York, we had such a great time thanks to great dinner companions like The Ambassador, Jetski and The Mogul, that Martine declared at the end of the dinner that the next time we got together, she would bring a 1978 from her cellar! It just so happened that Jetski and The Ambassador were on my executive committee for this San Francisco jaunt, so I made the call to Martine, and a Jayer night was born.

Martine in Action

We had a few whites to start, a pair of Raveneaus and a pair of Leflaives. The 1999 Raveneau Chablis Valmur was elegant and steely, and its palate was smooth and tasty. It offered up lots of signature Raveneau goodness in a light, pleasant way. It seemed to be on its plateau already; not a wine that will improve. It was pretty (93).

The 1990 Raveneau Chablis Valmur was a ‘great bottle’ per The Ambassador. It was much more mature in its nose, showing more yeast, more yellow fruits, more spice, more perfume – just more of everything than the ’99. It was long and delicious, in a great spot with its chewy fruit and smoky spice (95).

The 1989 Domaine Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet was also a great bottle, but it was served a bit too cold! Its icy flavors warmed up into a rich and elegant white. There was a touch of oil to its personality, along with corn and butter flavors that were more like cooking oil. This was a regal and mature white (96).


The 1988 Domaine Leflaive Batard Montrachet was gamy and more figgy; a bit mature but in a passing its prime kind of way. In hindsight, the Batard should have been served first. It had nice lushness but could not shake its gaminess. Candle wax flavors also developed (92).

It was finally time for some Jayer! Due to their significant price tags, Jayers do not get opened that often, so to have a dedicated evening was quite special. We did, however, have a few hiccups on this evening. First, we lost one of our co-hosts due to logistical issues. Second, the 1990 Jayer Echezeaux that was part of the first flight turned out accidentally to be 1990 Lucien Jayer Echezeaux. If this was a pickup game, a foul would have definitely been called on the play, but apparently it was some merchant’s fault. That’s what happens when you don’t get your wine from Acker :). We were all forgiving, of course, although a bit less so after we tasted it. It had a very leafy nose, quite autumnal with its aromas. There was a bit of purple fruit underneath, but in a very secondary way. The palate was lighter and shorter than I would expect for a 1990 Grand Cru. Bouillon flavors predominated (89).

Seal of Approval

The 1989 Henri (for Georges) Jayer Echezeaux was ‘spectacular,’ and we were officially off and running. According to Martine, the Georges bottles and the Henri bottles are exactly the same wine. They were bottled differently for some possible combination of family, financial and regulation reasons but made together. Ironically, the Georges bottles usually sell at a discount compared to the Henri labels. Smart money on the Georges! One sip of this 1989 had me thinking 100% Henri. This was unmistakable Jayer with its deep musk, purple oil and sexy spices. I kept writing ‘sexy’ over and over. Its purple fruits were rich but also layered, so plush with their mouthfeel. Someone admired its ‘density and silkiness.’ This was a decadent and smooth operator, and vitamins emerged in the glass. This was an anywhere, anytime wine (97).

Hungry for Some Wolf

The 1988 Jayer Echezeaux that followed was a touch musty at first, but I instantly saw the similarity to the ’89 in overall style. That rich purple decadence and the vitamins were unmistakable. It was long, a bit more elegant than the ’89 but still creamy with nice grit and leather to its finish. With time in the glass, the strength of the ’88 vintage took charge and the finish really flexed, but I preferred the decadence of the 1989…for now (96+).

Henri & Georges

On to the Cros Parantoux! We started with a 1986 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux. It had gorgeous fruit with lots of plum and purple hues. There was nice spice and more milkiness here. Its creamy qualities were lighter, and while lush, it had a softer finish. This was definitely on or exiting its plateau, and I remember better days for this vintage. Jayer was always a master of the “off” vintages, but this vintage seemed to be trending down finally after thirty plus years (94).

The 1987 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux was a bit blacker and sturdier than the 1986. It put on weight and got sweeter in the glass, and while initially I liked the ’86 better, I flip-flopped in the end after a few tastes. There was great grit here, and the wine held and lifted. It was an impressive show, especially for 1987 (95).

Cros Parantouxxx

Next up was a glorious 1991 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux. It was so good, it was like being wine horny. It was deep, dark and even better than I remember it from last year, and that bottle was pretty damn great, too! This was rich, decadent, creamy and oily, so large and in charge, so young but just starting to show some mature nuances. ‘Mint’ and ‘camphor’ came from the crowd. This was as good as it gets (99).

Grand Finale

Last but not least was Martine’s 1978 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux, the bottle that brought us all together in the first place. Well, there was supposed to be another bottle in this flight of 1985 Meo Camuzet Richebourg, which Henri made, but let’s just say The Inspector wasn’t on the case lol. Martine cooed how the ’78 was ‘like a dream.’ It was super sensual with the signature purple fruit, but in a more velvety way. It was bright and balanced, and so delicate in a good way. Martine went on to say 1978 was ‘the best vintage he ever made.’ While still complex, I felt the ’78 had turned the corner, and it was a step behind my experiences of a decade or so ago. However, I wouldn’t kick it out of my glass, ever, lol. It was a very special way to end a very special evening thanks to a very special lady (98). Merci Martine!!!

Happy Ending

In Vino Veritas,

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