Vintage Tastings

By John Kapon

Experience the finest and rarest wines in the world through the eyes and palate of Acker Chairman and globally renowned master taster, John Kapon (our “JK”). “Vintage Tastings” is a written journal chronicling the incredible bottles opened at some of the most exclusive tastings, wine dinners, and events all over the globe. These entries represent JK’s commitment to capturing and sharing the ephemeral nature and ultimate privilege of tasting the world’s rarest wines. Although ratings are based on a 100-point scale, JK believes there is no such thing as a 100-point wine. Point scores assigned to each wine are his own personal attempt to quantify the quality of each experience.

Lunch and Dinner

Hong Kong is still killing it, drinking as well and more than ever. A recent Friday lunch and Saturday dinner surrounding our December auction were perfect supporting arguments to my thesis. Twelve of us gathered at the recently remodeled Dynasty restaurant on a Friday for a civilized lunch celebrating our ‘Featured Collection of the Year.’

Proof of the Pudding

All civilized lunches begin with a bottle or two of Champagne, and this was no exception. Enter stage right, 1981 Krug. I don’t see too many 1981 vintage Champagne bottles in general, so this was a pleasant treat. The two bottles were slightly different, with one showing a touch more maturity, along with bread and apple flavors. Both had a rusty intensity to their white fruits, and excellent vanilla and game flavors. This was a mature and pleasing Krug (94).

Rare Birds

We didn’t waste much time, as the first flight was all 1961 Bordeaux. The 1961 Mouton Roithschild had a grapy and smoky nose that slinked out of the glass. Smooth and tender, this was erotically good, a ‘so sexy’ Mouton. There was carob balancing out its grape quality in this lovely wine. A refill added more spice, and the wine got richer with more coffee emerging over time. It became creamy and honeyed (95).

Three of a Kind

The 1961 Latour took no prisoners. This was super smoky, thick and very long. Its ‘tannins overshadowed’ the plush polish of the Mouton a bit. This was a bigger, thicker and longer wine with a regal and powerful dryness. This was rock solid, thick and muscly (97).

The 1961 Haut Brion was probably the most exotic of the flight, showing much more mesquite to its also smoky quality. There was more cedar and gravel here, and there was this dirty, earthy quality that the other two didn’t have. Balanced and thick, this was a rich, hedonistic wine. There was good structure and lots of barbecue to our third ’61 beauty (95).

There were six votes for the Latour, and three apiece for the Mouton and Haut Brion, showing both the universal strength of the vintage and also how the human perception of pleasure will always differ.

We went to the modern marvels next, beginning with a classic 1982 Latour. This was a plump, round and cedary wine with lots of signature walnut aromas. There was great smoke to its palate, along with similar long, thick tannins like the ’61. There seems to be two personalities for this wine, one being more forward and lush, and this bottle being the other. Its palate was flat-out great, with nice zip to its long finish. This ’82 certainly seemed more tart and wound than many others of this very same wine (96+).

Young Bucks

The 2002 Mugnier Musigny was an excellent counterpoint to the 2003s, although The Rainmaker prefaced this wine by saying he thought 2001 was a better Red Burgundy vintage. Hmmmm. The nose of the Mugnier had lots of bread and sour cherry, along with honeyed fruit, cream and pheromones. This was a tender and creamy wine, showing lots of soft porn love. It also got better in the glass, stopping right on the border of outstanding (94+).

The 2000 Mouton Rothschild was no slouch, but it was definitely in third place amongst its distinguished brethren. It felt more shut down in its nose despite a flash of ripe cream. The last bottle I had of this felt more open. This bottle was more leathery, earthy and gritty. However, it was shy compared to the previous two wines, perhaps intimidated by the company (95).

There was one more wine for lunch, a 1996 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux. Hello, dolly. I remarked how any time a bottle of Jayer is open, it is a special occasion, and the 1996 was Exhibit A. Its nose was full of vitamins and game along with this rich and pungently perverse fruit. It was like deep purple putting on a pair of hot latex pants. There were great flavors, and a minor delicacy debate broke out. This was jammy, juicy, gamey and ‘super duper.’ It had the slate and the length on its finish. I wanted more (96+).

Always a Special Occasion

It was time for a nap or a massage, or both, I can’t remember. I do remember the dinner the night after the auction the next day, where DRC was the theme, and Kelly’s Heroes gathered together in a fitting tribute to the world’s most important producer. Everyone dug deeply and generously into their cellars for an amazing night of La Tache and a few others.

We started with a perfect bottle of 1976 Dom Perignon. This bottle was super fresh with zippy and long white fruits and less vanilla than usual, but that was quite alright. Still young and ascending while also showing some of those mature nuances, this ‘76 DP was in a great spot (95).

We started the procession of LT’s with a magnum of 1976 DRC La Tache. Gil noted, ‘tea,’ and there were also aromas of blood, rose and menthol. There was lots of cedar and forest underbrush here as well. Bitter leather and black pepper made their way out of the glass, paving the way for a palate with decent acidity. It was long and dry but quickly became all about the orange and grilled vegetables. There was autumnal flesh, honey and citrus to this acidic and decent La Tache (91M).

Golden Oldies

The 1969 DRC La Tache had gorgeous color and nice rose and citrus aromas. There was more fruit than usual for this vintage, as well as cola and ‘quince’ per Jennie. It had a round, plush palate with pleasant, soft fruit. It was leathery and long with nice, autumnal flavors (94).

The 1978 DRC La Tache was a killer bottle, gracefully brought by The Historian, and also gracefully acquired at an Acker Hong Kong auction. Gil started making horny tiger sounds as he dug his nose into the glass. There was a lot going on. Bouillon, meat, animal fat, chrysanthemum, earth, sandpaper and cherry could all be found. Its autumn and wafer qualities were great, and there was a nice kiss of cola to its finish. Kelly likened it to a ‘belly dancer’ (97).

The 1980 DRC La Tache actually took it up a notch for me. This was menthol city, and ‘lilac’ came from Jennie. There was great mint to this rich wine. Gil noted how it put on ‘sick weight with some oxygen.’ There were beef, cream and more menthol flavors, and its acid was superb. This secretly great Red Burgundy vintage was more of a ‘ballet dancer’ to Kelly. Oh yeah, this bottle came from Acker, too J (98).

Twin Killers

The next wine was an impressive 1985 DRC La Tache. At first, there was a touch of tutti frutti, which blew off into redder fruits and vintage leather. Its acidity was ‘strong,’ but its palate was more soupy. The tutti frutti officially left the building, and root beer and exotic fruit emerged. It got tasty in a rusty way as it got better and better in the glass. There was nice leather, and caramel emerged in this outstanding bottle of 1985. I couldn’t help but notice the Acker sticker on the back of the bottle lol (95).

Ok ok, I’ll stop the self-promotion already, you know I can’t help myself there. Next up was the 1988 DRC La Tache. This was smoky and saucy with lots of tight elements in its nose. Jennie noted a ‘chalkiness,’ and there was also cream and icicle. Its palate was dry and dirty with a thick, gritty finish. Citrus was the dominant flavor (93).

Teenage LT

The 1993 DRC La Tache that followed was very primary compared to everything else so far. It was almost jammy by comparison, a ‘fruitcake’ per Gil. It was very ripe and a great bottle that almost tasted a decade younger than it should have been. There was nice flesh and a lot of fruit for a ’93, and its bright ‘cranberry and rhubarb’ flavors combined with some ‘red Twizzler,’ all per Mr. Wine Vegas. Some ’93 DRCs can be very cedary and tight, but this bottle was all about the goodies (95).

We went back to ’88 with a 1988 DRC Richebourg, whose nose was weirdly milky, also possessing yeasty red fruits. Its palate was better with nicer, red fruit flavors and light dust (91).

It’s Good to be Riche

The 1989 DRC Richebourg had a much deeper nose with blacker fruits, iron and vitamin aromas. It was richer than I thought it would be, and it had a nice kiss of forest and milk. This was a great ’89 and a pleasant surprise. It had nice thickness to its finish as well (94).

The 2008 DRC Romanee St. Vivant had bigger fruit, but it was a bit drier and more square. While it had more potential, it felt unrealized by comparison (93+).

There was a Friday dinner in between with a few Lafites and some friends, but I’ll save that for another day. When in Hong Kong, always make time for lunch and dinner.

Last Call

In Vino Veritas,

Hop Skippety

Howdy. It’s been a while, I know. It has been a busy busy Fall season, with a major amount of travel time, even more so than usual. It got so bad, I finally had to make a deal with my significant other. Two weeks a month max on the road, and the two weeks I am home, only three nights a week out. Fair deal!

Despite a lack of tasting notes being disseminated, I can assure you that there are many notes that have been taken, and that I am drinking well thanks to the great spirit and energy amongst the Acker wine-loving community. I will always feel like I need to see each and every one of you and share a bottle together, that is my goal. I will get there! There is one thing that I can say for certain, that no matter how busy we all are, one should always make time for a good meal and a good bottle of wine for dinner.

Or twenty bottles of wine, even better. Because that’s what I recently did in , where I didn’t have a problem. It started out a journey of four nights in four cities on my way to Hong Kong. A day without wine is a day without sunshine, so let’s just say that these four nights have left me severely sunburned.

Houston, We Have No Problems

I was invited to dine at Da Marco’s, where ten locals had congregated with an assortment of fine wines and company. We started with a couple bottles of 1985 Krug, which got the party started, but I didn’t take any notes. The notes began with a trio of 2005 Niellons, starting with the Clos St. Jean, which was smoky, toasty with lots of rocks, minerals and ‘gaspipe.’ It was round but balanced, lacking a touch of definition (90). The Les Chaumees was simpler and easier, just OK, not as interesting as the Clos St. Jean (87).The Les Vergers had the biggest finish and the most acidity. It was brighter and the most intense of the three (91).


A 2004 Louis Latour Chevalier Montrachet Les Demoiselles was classically 2004. It was buttery and smooth, showing more citrus, rainwater and balance. ‘Solid’ summed it up (92).

The wines of Domaine Leflaive are amongst the best and most ageworthy in all of white Burgundy, and the next pair showed why. The 1999 Domaine Leflaive Chevalier Montrachet was big and smoky, with toasted kernels and a drop of honey. This was a powerful wine that was big and smoky. It was clearly in a better bracket (95).

The 1976 Domaine Leflaive Batard Montrachet was an absolute rock star bottle, and many thanks go to The Rainmaker for this special treat. It was super smoky, possessing marmalade, chutney and quince all in one. This was butter galore. It was a fat, meaty butter, open and corny, with spices seeping out in a lightly sappy way. The Rainmaker noted ‘a lot going on in there.’ It was also ‘mouthcoating.’ This was a rich, saucy and complex wine. Its palate was long and strong, despite being almost 40 and white. And why not, I’m over 40 and white J. The glories of mature wine were on full display (96).

There’s a 76 in There Somewhere

The truffles were next, and out came the Italians, led by the 1971 Cantina Mascarello Barolo.This complicated wine oozed aromas of tar, rose petals, earth, minerals, chocolate, honey and bread crumbs. It possessed excellent acidity and a great, leathery finish. The Rainmaker noted traces of ‘menthol’ as the 1971 kept blossoming (95).

The Texas Lawman brought a stunning 1990 Giacosa Barolo Falleto Riserva. It had a deep, chunky nose with chocolate, caramel and carob aromas. Secondary candy cane and gardenia aromas led into a rich, soupy palate with great acid and more decadent chocolate flavors (96).

That’s Amore

We two-stepped to Tuscany with a 1997 Solaia. There were herbs and spices almost a la Chartreuse, and this was clearly a different category from that of Piedmont. It got more herbal and a bit confused in the glass (93).

The Burgundy flight was next, beginning with a sexy and tasty 2003 Vogue Chambolle Musigny Les Amoureuses. This was a ripe and saucy wine, as 2003s are expected to be, but this also had character and balance. Many 2003s are overripe and flimsy in the middle, but this wasn’t. It had bouillon and animal aromas, along with nice gas, rubber and that new car thing happening. Its palate was ripe, round and pleasing with a nutty finish (93).

The 2003 DRC La Tache that followed had nice green to its nose in a cedar way along with more classic qualities. This was almost underripe, especially given the context of the vintage. It had nice slate flavors and a long finish, and it kept improving in the glass, but I still felt it was holding back on me (94+).

Jolly Good 2003s

The 2002 Mugnier Musigny was an excellent counterpoint to the 2003s, although The Rainmaker prefaced this wine by saying he thought 2001 was a better Red Burgundy vintage. Hmmmm. The nose of the Mugnier had lots of bread and sour cherry, along with honeyed fruit, cream and pheromones. This was a tender and creamy wine, showing lots of soft porn love. It also got better in the glass, stopping right on the border of outstanding (94+).

There were a flight of 1990s, but first we sampled a pretty 1966 Haut Brion. It had a gorgeous nose that was deliciously mature and aromatic, showing lots of cassis, nut, dates and special fruit. The palate was a step down from the nose, but it was still lovely. Soft and plush, it went down almost like water, although that isn’t necessarily a good thing (92).

The 1990 Ducru Beaucaillou had lots of slate and minerals, almost too much so as it gave off what I call ‘interior’ aromas, which border on chemical. There were lots of cardboard flavors here, and as much as I love Ducru, I think this vintage has issues (90?).

Quality Quartet

The 1990 Leoville Las Cases has long been one of my favorite wines; in fact, it is probably the best overall quality-to-value ratio in the vintage. I will never forget how Las Cases convincingly won a blind tasting of 15 wines and 60 people in Hong Kong with most top wines. Deep chocolate was the first quality that came to mind in the LLC. It was rich and creamy, possessing loads of cassis and great allspice. There was this Christmas goodness to the Las Cases, call it trees, pudding and/or warmth. This was a rich, classic and outstanding wine (96).

The 1990 Montrose was a step behind, although it had its own unique gait. Its redder fruits had a touch of wild herbs to them as its nose figured itself out in a post-teenager, pre-adult fashion. Vanilla bean and cream pie came out on the palate of this honey bunny of a wine. Delicious, ripe and creamy, this bottle of Montrose was a definite Thumper (95).

The last of our ’90s was a 1990 Beausejour Duffau, and it was much more disappointing than the last two occasions I had it. This bottle was round, soft and easy, but uncomplicated (91).

The last wine was a 2000 L’Angelus, which was a big, big, red, red wine. I needed a fork to scrape this sucker off my tongue. There was a lot of wheat, black, grits and grit to the wine, but I didn’t have a lot left in me, so I reserve my right to amend my (93+).

By the time I got to Arizona, it was basically time for dinner. We went to the cellar and started packin’. Then we got the wines 😉 Actually, I have never fired or even held a gun. As I get older, though, I am feeling the urge more often lol. All the wines were served blind, which was both entertaining and playfully humiliating, as always. There were five of us, and thirteen wines would be sampled. That’s what we call a prime ratio. Something to do with LIBOR.

By the Time I Got to Arizona…

The first wine had a nice, fresh nose with white, crystallized fruits, minerals and smoky twists of citrus. Its palate was soft and tried a little tenderness to make up for that initial kiss of morning mouth on its finish. Nobody shot JR, because he noted ‘sweet tropical orchard and peach nectar,’ and he decided it had to be a hot vintage. It was, as in a 2006 Jadot Batard Montrachet. It got more honeyed and sweet in the glass, showing even more nectar. It rounded out and ultimately felt softer than I wanted it to be (90).

The second wine wasn’t undrinkable, but it wasn’t perfect. I am not sure if it was premox, as it was a 1992 Sauzet Batard Montrachet, which was supposedly pre premox, so to speak. With almost 55 wines tasted over these four days alone, I will let it rest in peace, at least for this bottle (DQ).

The third white was deliciously good, showing more honeysuckle fruit. There were exotic and sweet guava aromas to its pleasing fruit. This was a kinky wine, very unique in the flight and showing great, sweet balance. Delicacy came to mind in more ways than one. Mint and menthol emerged, along with lemon curd and ‘eucalyptus.’ That was the giveaway for Ramonet, and it was, indeed, a 2002 Ramonet Batard Montrachet (95). I called it. Well, at least the Ramonet part.

The next wine had more kernel in its nose, along with great butter and caramel aromas. There was good kick and nice pop to this (obviously) Grand Cru. It had the biggest finish of the flight, along with the fullest body. It kicked and screamed its way to the top of the flight, showing rugged character. This 1996 Jadot Chevalier Montrachet Les Demoiselles was better and stonger (95+).

White, White, Baby

The fifth white and final wine in this flight was out of magnum. It was very sweet, almost Sauvignon Blanc-ish. It had a lot of ‘stone fruits,’ a little pungency and a grassy, smooth finish. Clean, light and refreshing kept coming up in my notes for this 2005 Remoissenet Montrachet. Honeysuckle crept in (91M).

The first red served was bright with lots of vitamins. It had this marijuana, exotic herbal thing happening. I thought this was a village wine, but it was actually a Grand Cru. Oops. It was all downhill from here. One piece of advice: whenever you guess correctly one thing blind, take the rest of the night off. This 2002 Mongeard-Mugneret Grands Echezeaux was soft, but it had good acidity. JR noted ‘a little dill, herbaceousness.’ Spell check on aisle 3 please. Someone guessed 2008, and M found ‘nice spice.’ Spice and cinnamon joined the party. Too bad the party was already closed (90).

This next flight was two of a kind, and while the first reminded me of 1997, it was actually a 2007 Rouget Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux. There were dirty, round red fruits along with hints of vitamin to this simple but nice wine. Velvet and velour tricked out the room, and acid and more spice emerged. There was this exotic banana thing happening, but it got a little oaky, and then it got better again. I am a big fan of drinking ’07s now, although this felt like it needed more time. JR found it ‘a tad over acidic’ (92).

The 2000 Rouget Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux that followed shocked and awed. I actually was in 1990 territory guessing, it was that good. There was amazing spice and definition to this nutty professor of a wine. Ceramics, leather and spice paved the way for ‘sweet flowers,’ which shortly became ‘good snatch,’ which shortly became ‘latex sex.’ Geez, I can’t take myself anywhere. JR brought us back to reality with ‘desert island,’ as he would be happy drinking this on a desert island, right after he chopped you up into little pieces lol. Actually he meant that this was so good, he could easily drink only it for eternity and be happy. High praise, indeed. The 2000 had that good stink, like a ‘sweet sexual partner.’ This was definitely the best 2000 that I ever had. I made sure to ask, but it already had my number (95).

Desert Island 2000

We were on to the next pair, and the first had that ripe, round, green bamboo of 1997, and it sure was a 1997 Rousseau Charmes Chambertin. This was an open and ripe wine, complicated and brothy. Someone found its nose ‘sexy.’ It had great red fruit and honey bear flavors, along with some apple (93).

The 1990 Ponsot Clos de la Roche VV was so good that it made me come up with a new noun, a WILF. As in a Wine I’d Like to F lol…which is all the more appropriate by the fact that one of the world’s greatest collectors shares the same name. How come I never thought up that one before? The Posnot was definitely a WILF, ‘serious’ as one guest put it. What a nose…it was ripe with big smokehouse and deep ocean intermingled with loads of black and purple. Mint, rich iron and fruit complemented the ‘chocolate/cherry deal,’ as M put it. There was greater stink and black fruit to this ‘denser’ wine. This was a Ferrari tire fresh off the pavement, thick as a brick and then some (97).


The next wine was also a 1990, and it also had that good stink and wow factor. It was a touch gamey, but so aromatic and honeyed. There was more animal here, along with some wet hay and a drop of good urine. Lemony flavors played well into its high pitch and nerve, and its leathery flavors also complemented. ‘Dill pickle’ and salt licorice rounded out this 1990 Rousseau Ruchottes Chambertin Clos des Ruchottes, which made me come up with a new verb. What are you doing tonight? Oh, I’m Chamberting, you know you know baby (93).

1990 Rousseaus definitely hit the bullseye, which is why I was pleased to see another so quickly. Well, actually I didn’t know until after, so here goes the note first. This second Rousseau was slightly more acidic, and it still felt buried in its deep, dark nose. Chocolate and ‘tootsie pop’ led us into a fresh garden planted with citrus trees. This was leaner yet longer, zipping its way ahead. I was surprised to find out this was the 1990 Rousseau Clos de la Roche (94+). It was at this point that M had one of the lines of the night. He said, ‘you have the right to be wrong.’ He was talking to JR, of course J.

Pocket Pair

There was one more wine, and it was phenomenal. I was pretty reduced at this moment in time, so I decided to write a football diagram instead of a tasting note. I also decided to write down all my audibles in rhyme. Like super duper, gritty city and flies high. Yup, that about sums up the 1991 Arnoux Romanee St. Vivant. Along with 1991s RULE (95).

It’s an audible

I left two bottles in San Francisco next. Actually it was Carmel. I wish my travel agent told me about the two hour drive. However, it was well worth it in order to enjoy the spectacular cuisine of Aubergine, which just got rated the 16th best restaurant in the USA by Opinionated About Dining, one of the world’s best eating guides.

Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner

The night was all about 1959, except the magnum of 1988 Dom Perignon Rose. Its nose spoke of good herbs, showing more fraise than strawberry. Lots of citrus and orange peel rounded out this aromatic bubbly, which had lots of grass and hay. Good flesh, nice richness and good minerality summed up our aperitif (94M).

The 1959 Drouhin Meursault Goutte d’Or was spectacular. If anyone doubts the ageability of white wine, find yourself a well-stored bottle of this. This was an amazing nose at first whiff. Nutty and super smoky, this had hickory, charcoal and everything good you could possibly smoke meats with. Buttery and yellow, it warmed my soul like an old sun. Butter rum was distinctively the flavor of choice for this ‘exciting’ wine. This was exotic in the candied and caramel direction. This was a lush, creamy and wow wine. It got an extra point just because we should all age this well (96).

Spectacular Stuff

The 1959 Albert Morot Beaune Bressandes was ok, a touch chalky and minerally with some wet cardboard in its nose. There was some pleasing red perfume behind it, but it didn’t leave a memorable impression. Tight and stoney, it aired out and evened out, but it didn’t fly high like that previous audible (88).

This One’s For the Cork Dorks

The 1959 E. Brocard Corton that followed was great except for that same edge of cardboard. In fact, it was corked. However, despite that handicap, it still showed deeper black and purple fruit and a much riper (and better) palate. There was some good thickness to its thighs, and its acid was strong. Someone noted, ‘great weight’ (93A).

The next wine was a pleasant surprise, a 1959 Rene Couly Chinon Clos de l’Olive, Its nose was very dark with lots of violet and black fruits, as well as this dash of pot pourri. Its great aromatics were met by a very dry finish that had thick, expressive tannins. Black olives emerged in full force. I deduced the vineyards were surrounded by olive trees. I am assuming I am right. Great spice and pretty fruit described this marriage perfectly (92).

It was finally time for some Bordeaux. Sorry to all the Burgundy diehards in advance. I could live without the young stuff, but when it comes to old wine, the most serious collectors should have Bordeaux in their rotation.

After You…

The 1959 Pichon Baron took a little time to warmup, but oh did it ever. This was classic Pauillac on the irony side, stony with lots of rocks in its nose. It came across very young and fresh, with a touch of ashtray in there. The Fisher King found it ‘more lively’ and with ‘so much acid.’ Its palate was all about the purple with some light tannin expression. It continued to get stronger in the glass, emitting pencil, nut, cedar and ‘cherry.’ Better and better appeared again and again in my notes (94).

I liked the 1959 Margaux more at first, as this wine was all about the iron fist/velvet glove thing. Darker and blacker, the Margaux had nice grape and flesh to its nutty palate. There was good grit to its finish, although it felt like it was missing a piece or two in the middle. Joe Tech found it ‘classic Margaux,’ and it sure was (93).

Now That’s a Flight

If this were a game of chess, there would be four logical moves. Thankfully, two of them were played. The 1959 Mouton Rothschild was very minty, possessing that classic, old Mouton menthol. There was also ripe cassis to this sexy nose, along with thick cement and cedar qualities. Chocolate, cream and forest flavors abounded in this delicious wine. There was great balance to this toffee and coffee orgy, and ‘eucalyptus, classic mint (and) lead pencil’ came from the crowd (95).

The 1959 Latour came, saw and conquered. Its brooding, black fruit was bursting out of its shirt and pants with great t ‘n a. Its round and tasty palate was full and long. The tannic display was impressive. While thick, long and strong, it somehow remained elegant. ‘Gorgeous (and) finish of a lifetime’ came from the crowd (97).

There was a dry, wheaty, cardboard nose to the 1959 Damoy Chambertin Clos de Beze. It felt lighter and browner than the Ponelle, but it got better in the glass. Toasty and minerally, its acid really rocked out with its peacock out, but I still liked the Ponelle better, even if this could go farther down the road (93).

The last wine on this starry night was a 1959 Steinberger TBA. Maple, molasses and apple juice made their way to the forefront in this round, smooth, silky and sexy wine (94).

There was one more stop in my Great American Western Tour, except it wasn’t in America. It was in China. I mean Vancouver. We started at the home of The Winemaster. 1990 Billecart Salmon Nicolas Francoishad a buttery core with great strength and vigor. There was excellent acid and sauce in this boss (95).

Tearin’ It Up

The 2005 Roulot Meursault Perrieres was a stunner. If you said no one is making better white wine in Burgundy today, I could not argue. The Perrieres was clean and fresh with great oil and nut butter, blending between this almond and peanut kink. It flirted with Reese’s pieces, in the best sense, and its long, tight center screamed core workout twice a day, six days a week, Tuppatsch style (95).

Unfortunately, a 2002 Drouhin Montrachet Marquis de Laguiche was (DQ).


The three reds were served blind, but the flight had a theme. They tasted a lot younger than they were. The first was deep, dark, young and impressive. It was thinner at first, but there was more purity here. There was lots of animal fat and fur to this solid wine. This 1999 Roumier Bonnes Mares kept improving in the glass (94+).


At first, I preferred the 1999 Drouhin Bonnes Mares more. It had a lot more fruit and was redder in its personality. There was great balance and secret length to this wine. It got a bit dirtier in the glass, losing strength, though (92).

The 1999 Jadot Bonnes Mares was corked (DQ).

The 1999 Hubert Lignier Clos de la Roche was not. Its nose was deep, inky and purple. It had that black as midnight intensity, with a heavy duty style and finish. Brick, rubber and rust added complexity to this strong wine that didn’t cross the line (95).


The last wine of these 96 hours was a 2000 Domaine Leflaive Batard Montrachet. It was another yum yum from Anne Claude. This wine was all about the lightly toasted, buttered corn husks. Its ‘zinging finish’ spoke volumes about this ‘immensely delicious’ 2000. This was the best of the vintage on full display. Flesh, date, coconut and more butter oozed out of its glass. Back that thing up (95).

Just another four days in the life. Make that four nights. And four cities. And 50+ wines. And 3,856 words. That’s what we call a hop skippety. I’m complicated, you won’t get me out of trouble. Like Albert Collins said, ‘I ain’t drunk. I’m just drinking.’

Good Every Which Way

In Vino Veritas,

Bang Bang

As end of summer nears, it is easy to drift away into rest and relaxation mode, to savor those last days of summer before the Fall begins. Translation: time for a wake up call. A cackle of Conti would do just the trick, and thanks to the motivation of The Mogul and the steady hand of Sir Robert, we put 13 bottles of Conti in the chamber, all Monty, LT and RC. Bang bang, let the Fall begin.

The chill of Fall is already apparent in those New York nights, but it wasn’t cold enough to stop us from a couple of bubblies on the patio, beginning with a 1996 Taittinger Comtes de Champagne. It was plump and pleasant, less racy than I expected given the vintage. It was buttery, tasty and seemingly maturing faster than most 1996s, or maybe it was a style thing (94+).

The Way to Romanee Conti

A 1981 Krug Clos du Mesnil was a rare treat. The third vintage of the ‘RC’of Champagne delivered a strong performance. This was a big, bready and brawny bubbly, full-bodied and stony. It was briny in a good way, with some sledgehammer on top. Its only flaw was a touch of squareness to the circle it wanted to be, but it was still young and outstanding, just a bit muscly (95).

The warmup was over, and we sat down to a pair of white knights, the first being a 2007 DRC Montrachet. Game on. The Rocketman noted how the ’07 was ‘too young, hasn’t calmed down.’ It was a bit on the corny side, honeyed and buttery but unyielding for sure. While smooth on the palate, there was a touch of ‘dumber’ to it at first, but it made a comeback over time. DuJeremy noted ‘a saltiness’ in the ’07. It was outstanding, but I wanted and expected more (95).

Eeny Meeny Miny

The 2005 DRC Montrachet was a knockout. I expected this to be a bit clumsy, as ’05 whites are not usually in the same category as reds, but this one sure was. We were discussing how everyone always assumes a great red vintage is a great white vintage, but how it isn’t always the case, and how whites beat to their own drum. This 2005 white, however, shut down the ’07, which is theoretically the better white vintage. This was big, buttery, smoky and toasty. Rich, thick and lush, this was about as strong as a white wine gets. DuJeremy found it ‘easy to like,’ and that it ‘feels readier than it should,’ also finding this ‘Hawaiian vanilla’ in it. This was a powerful powerhouse, it had the power (97+).

The last Montrachet of the evening was quite reductive and smoked. There was great volume to its palate, and it felt like we should have saved it for dessert. The 1986 DRC Montrachet kept getting better and better and better, but it ultimately was a bit of an outlier (93A).

The 1995 DRC Montrachet that Diamondz brought was so tropical and exotic that it stood out from the crowd. There was this tea leaf, sandy, hibiscus, almost marzipan thing happening, along with some Thai brothy goodness. DuJeremy noted ‘goji’ while I did guava. The Snow Queen saw it ‘dancing on the table,’ or perhaps that was The Mogul (96).

The last Montrachet of the evening was quite reductive and smoked. There was great volume to its palate, and it felt like we should have saved it for dessert. The 1986 DRC Montrachet kept getting better and better and better, but it ultimately was a bit of an outlier (93A).


Enough of that white shtuff, it was time for some red, red wine. 1985 DRC La Tache, ok, that works. This ’85 was solid, but a bit obtuse at first and not amongst my better experiences with this wine. It wasn’t ‘off,’ per se, but it wasn’t ‘on’ either. Milk and yeast were the first things that came to mind, along with sous bois and black fruits. Cherry traces blessed this round and smooth wine (93).

Triumphant Trio

The 1978 DRC La Tache was tall, dark and handsome, all that and then some. This was a minty, beefy, bloody wine. There was lots of menthol, rose and garden in this nearly perfect ’78. Its palate was rich and saucy with great, handpicked, heirloom tomato flavors. The Mogul was gushing how he just ‘melted into it;’ this was quintessential LT. Lots of complicated spice added forte to its finish. A masterpiece (97+).

The last of this triumphant trio was the 1971 DRC La Tache. It had a mushroomy, truffly nose. It was also saucy, but overshadowed by the 1978. Four out of five times, the 1971 wins this battle, but on this night, the 1978 stood tall. This particular bottle of ’71 also lacked the usual acidity and was a bit softer on its finish. Its flavors were more brothy, and while still outstanding, it scored lower than usual (95).

We sadly had only one more flight, but it happily contained two RC’s. But first, the 1990 DRC La Tache. This has always been a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde wine for me, but this bottle delivered a top-notch performance. It had a fantastic nose, superlative in every which way. It was utterly complicated with its spice, forest and mint. Full-bodied and tight like might, this was a rusty, zippy, long, thick and gritty wine. Its only flaw was that it got a touch dirtier in the glass, bringing back reminders of lesser bottles of this legendary wine (96+).

Don’t Call It A Comeback

1991 DRC Romanee Conti. Well, hello, old friend. It’s getting rarer to see RC’s opened like the good ol’ days, so it was much appreciated to have this dynamic duo thanks to The Mogul and The Rocketman. The 1991 had deep ocean fruit that was rich, saucy, big and beefy. The stuffing was greater than the turkey lol. DuJeremy cooed, ‘this is what I envision.’ Sir Robert found it ‘above its class.’ It was so sweet, so perfumed, so great…what a wine. Its finished smacked asses and faces, letting everyone know who the superstar in the room was (98).

The 1985 DRC Romanee Conti that followed was open and fragrant, showing off the best qualities of the vintage. Its nose was sweet and musky, creamy and honeyed. It had the beef and soy similar to the La Tache, but in a bigger way. Rich, juicy and spicy, it also showed a touch of good dirty, but it didn’t stand up to the 1991 as one might have thought prior to this head-to-head showdown (95).

So Happy Together

Fall is upon us, and on September 6th we are kicking it off at Marea with our best NY auction in years, with close to $4 million available and some fantastic cellars. Bang bang.

In Vino Veritas,

Pit stops

This month has seen a lot of pit stops. Here today, gone tomorrow. Like all month, so I guess I am not wiser after all. I have had to channel a lot of my inner Bad Boy to deal with such a road show, but thankfully every day time stops for dinner, and I remember what it is to be civilized again.

I spent a few days in Provence, and I suppose my second night there set a bad precedent for the week: a wedding party that started at 4pm and ended at 330am. Well, at least that was the last time I remember seeing the time. It was a marriage between French and Russian families, and the Russians brought the vodka, and lots of dance floor moves from lots of lovely ladies. I lost two buttons on my shirt and my shoes, but thankfully I made it home in one piece and didn’t fall in any thorny bushes like a couple of others.

That next morning brought a familiar, unpleasant feeling that I would encounter over and over this week: The Hangover (like Part 1000) meets The Traveling Man. Now The Hangover and The Traveling Man really do not get along well, and I do not recommend putting the two in each other’s company, but that’s pretty much what I did from this point out. I scraped myself up at 9am, was on the road at 10am for a four hour drive and arrived right on time for lunch on the sea with The Educator.

Down By The Sea

The Educator is a passionate man whose experience has traveled well beyond the greatest names and greatest vintages, since he has been there and done that as much as anyone. It is discovery that drives him, and he shared some of that passion and wisdom over a wonderful lunch in his summer home. There was a delicious 2002 Delamotte as an aperitif, and it was classy, smooth and delicious, quite drinkable for such a young buck (93).

The Champagne that followed was a beast; we knew it was Salon but we had to guess the vintage. It seemed so young, yet had wisdom about it, much like The Educator himself. Citrus and ‘pink grapefruit’ came from the crowd. This Salon left a Paul Bunyan impression with its bigness and wood. It was yeasty and brawny, yet still fresh and like an infant. The closest I got to guessing was 1979, but this classical 1982 Salon was also some serious heavy metal (97).

The white wine of our lunch program was served completely blind. It was an amazing wine that toured all of France with its complexity. At first, its sexy nose had me leaning in a buttery Chardonnay direction, but one sip made it clear this was no Chardonnay. It almost had the dried white fruits of a great white Bordeaux, but this was much more exotic and sweet, possessing a different overall profile. There was a hint of Rhone tropicality, but its sweetness was more delicate despite covering a wide range of yellow tones. This was a complex, ‘precise’ wine, ‘the best wine of Savoie.’ Where? Even I had to ask. Eastern France, South of the Jura, don’t miss that left turn if you want to get some of the 1990 Domaine Dupasquier Rousette de Savoie Marestel. I’m not sure what’s what on the label, so I am just putting it all down lol. The excitement of such a discovery was written all over my face. It was amazing to find something new that was this good. A small smile and twinkle in the eye of The Educator made me know that we were birds of a feather (95).

The Best White Never

The red was also served blind, another ‘wow’ wine. This, too, had an exotic nose with wild red fruits abounding. There was a creaminess here, some sauvage and a Rhone kink. Its palate was as sweet as sweet can get while still being good, and dry. The Paradox noted, ‘sweetness, coffee, mocha, orange.’ He was leaning towards pre-1950 Bordeaux, while I was leaning towards an old Chateauneuf du Pape. Well, it was an Algerian 1945 Frederic Lung Royal-Kebir. Mascarat was the grape, The Educator believed. There was this ‘flower sugar’/nectar thing happening here, and I saw the Chateau Musar lineage of style. For the first time, I understood why desperate and unscrupulous French winemakers would resort to mixing Algerian wines into their reds. ‘This was when Algeria was still good,’ commented The Educator. ‘This wine brings you history’ (95).

More Proof That 1945 is the Greatest Vintage Ever

A 1995 Guigal Cote Rotie La Turque paired well with a Camenbert, something I thought impossible, but it actually worked per The Educator’s insistence. The Guigal was rich, full and ‘milky’ per The Paradox. White pepper, violet and a slice of ham rounded out its nose. ‘Delicate, velvet and fraiche’ came from the crowd. This was balanced yet big (94).

The Educator continued to teach after dinner. ‘If you want to know a wine, you have to know all the vintages.’ He referenced the 77 vintages of DRC he has sampled. I did some quick math in my head and put myself at about 60. There is still so much to learn.

There was another new, exciting discovery, a magical place in a faraway land seemingly only known to those who already know it. Those who already know it, and who like their fine wine, would most certainly dine at a certain Michelin-starred restaurant, so that’s just what I did. I have been drinking a lot of dry Rieslings (‘GGs’) this summer, so I couldn’t resist grabbing a half-bottle of one of Riesling’s top dogs right now, a 2009 Keller Kirschspiel GG. This had a fantastic nose that was clearly great and sweet with its citrus and lychee fruit, but also taut with a refreshingly cold minerality. There was nice petrol giving this some go, and it bristled on its palate. There was a satiny, tender and long finish to this delicious virtuoso. This goes under the ‘pure pleasure’ category (94).

#1 German Seed

I also couldn’t resist grabbing a reasonable 1989 Vogue Musigny Blanc off the list, it had been a while since I have seen one of these. There was a pinch of fresh mint in its nose, along with buttered corn, honey and a sweet yellow Chartreuse kiss. The wine felt fully mature but plateauing. It certainly hasn’t turned the corner, although it may be getting close. The palate was luscious and smooth with a soft finish. It got a bit more creamy and chewy in the glass, and a touch of críÂme brulee flavors emerged. By the way, I believe this wine, after years of being released under a Bourgogne Blanc label due to a replanting of the vineyard, is now about to be released again as Musigny Blanc (93).

Coming Back Soon to a Theater Near You

I certainly couldn’t resist a bottle of 1996 Roumier Chambolle Musigny Amoureuses at 210 euros. The Roumier had a gorgeous nose full of roses, red fruits, royal garden and a kiss of waterfall. There was crazy Asian and forest spice abounding, but its palate was a bit more reserved. It was more tender than most ’96s, still with a hint of the vintage’s strong acid but simplistically satiny. I felt the wine was a bit shut down, however (94+).

Swallows of 1986 Mouton Rothschild (96+) and 1974 Heitz Martha’s Vineyard (96) were most welcome at the end of the night, as some other guests had left a smidge in their bottles. ‘This is what we do every night,’ the sommelier smiled.

Only For The Lovers

Another day, another city, and this time I was in Germany, lunching somewhere that was also a new discovery, called Vendome. This was a three-star restaurant that felt like one from head to Tokyo. I have eaten in about eight or so three-star restaurants this year, but to be honest, they can be as disappointing as they can be exciting. This was the best and most exciting meal that I have had this year. Chef Joachim Wissler is at the top of his game, and everything about the meal was spectacular, including the wines.

Proper Three Star Restaurant Location

I had lunch with The Aginator, a ‘no bullshit’ kind of guy and longstanding friend who doubles as a nice bodyguard when abroad. Any problem will soon be no problem when The Aginator is around. We went back to the Keller, this time a 2007 Keller Abts Erde GG. This was another fantastic Keller with aromas of sweet peach and nectarine. This was sweeter than usual, perhaps a function of the vintage or the vineyard, not really sure. Its palate was lush and creamy, soft and sweet (93).

We plucked an unusual 1981 Haut Brion Blanc off the list next. It had a great, yet unique nose that opened up slowly. This was glue city with a touch of good oxidation, aka maturity. It got sweeter in the glass, unfolding into honey, lavender and ‘caramel’ per my friend. The wine also became brothier. This was a smooth and polished wine, like a well-oiled doorknob, and its palate was perfectly mature (93).

Lunch For Two

There were a lot more wines at dinner that night with The Aginator, and more dinners in general, but we’ll save those for another time. Whether it be wines, places or restaurants, new discoveries are always exciting, even if there is only time for a pit stop.

In Vino Veritas,

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