Vintage Tastings

By John Kapon

Experience the finest and rarest wines in the world through the eyes and palate of Acker Chairman and globally renowned master taster, John Kapon (our “JK”). “Vintage Tastings” is a written journal chronicling the incredible bottles opened at some of the most exclusive tastings, wine dinners, and events all over the globe. These entries represent JK’s commitment to capturing and sharing the ephemeral nature and ultimate privilege of tasting the world’s rarest wines. Although ratings are based on a 100-point scale, JK believes there is no such thing as a 100-point wine. Point scores assigned to each wine are his own personal attempt to quantify the quality of each experience.

The Mogul

There are some people in this world who always make a good time great, and The Mogul is certainly one of them. Every time I have the pleasure of his company, special things happen, and our first gathering of 2013 together was no exception. We were joined by Tom Terrific at Corkbuzz, where you may find The Mogul once or twice a month, picking up a few wine facts and figures from one of New York’s great Somms, owner Laura Maniec.

We started with a surprisingly approachable 1989 Krug Collection.Its nose was soft and buttery with some signature vanilla and some orange fruit. It was very tender for an ’89, showing citrus and mahogany flavors. The Mogul found it, ‘smooth and rich,’ and I couldn’t believe how mature and ready it seemed, which is very atypical for recently released, young Krug collections (94).

Tom Terrific pulled out a 1986 Ramonet Batard Montrachet from his bag of tricks, and it had a complicated and wild nose. There was big pungency to its powerful nose, which had some ’86 honey bear and signature Ramonet corn as well. There were hints of mature fruit on the palate, and while most ’86s are past mature by now, this still had amazing acidity and intense energy. Its minerals were crackling, and while pungent and grassy on the palate, its finish was still big (95).

Tom wasn’t done yet, and we were ever so grateful since the next wine was a 1982 Henri Jayer Vosne Romanee Cros Parantoux. The aromas were magnificent, full of rose and cherry oil along with a twist of bran. There was a mí©lange of purple and red fruit along with some good glue in this fabulous nose. The palate was equally as divine, quite serious for a 1982 red Burg and still firm while also oh so delicious and complex. Despite being a right there, right now wine, there is still time for it to stay on its plateau. Nut-tickling underbrush rounded out its flavor profile. Yes, nut-tickling underbrush (96).

Which Way Did It Go?

A 1988 Henri Jayer Echezeaux followed, and it was much, much bigger. It needed some time and aeration to work out its initial oak, but once it did, it blossomed in a musclehead way. Deep purple, tea house cookie and vitamin kisses were the dominant characteristics in this dominatrix of a Jayer. It brought its own whip, for sure (94).

The 1990 DRC Echezeaux had wet bamboo and tree frog in its nose, with The Mogul finding ‘Lord of the Rings trees.’ We were on the same page, although my trees didn’t walk and talk lol. There was lots of rainforest action in this DRC, with a cedary pitch. It was a tasty and complex Burg (94).

The 1990 DRC Echezeaux had wet bamboo and tree frog in its nose, with The Mogul finding ‘Lord of the Rings trees.’ We were on the same page, although my trees didn’t walk and talk lol. There was lots of rainforest action in this DRC, with a cedary pitch. It was a tasty and complex Burg (94).

Double Barrel Jayers

The 1990 Dujac Clos de Roche that followed was a stunner. ‘Fuck yeah,’ started my note. Sorry, I was born and raised in New York City, forgive me. There was this exotic tea to go with its decadently purple fruit. Jasmine joined the party, and she brought along her friend Blossom. The Mogul was in the house for sure now. The Dujac was so succulent yet still zippy, tender yet long on its finish, possessing great acid and great freshness. This was a delicious and balanced wine, ‘pure silk’ per The Mogul. Amen (97).

The closer came next, and it was a fitting one, a 1985 Sassicaia. Laura found it ‘sappy and ripe but elegant.’ This was a deep, complex wine that just smacked down a certain, unnamed 1985 claret for which I couldn’t even take a note. The ’85 Sassy was truly a great and profound Cabernet. It was rich, saucy and concentrated, and while ripe it was 110% serious. Tom was loving it, and flavors of charcoal and chocolate lightly caressed my palate in a sensual way. This still had plenty of chunk in the trunk, a definite ‘wow’ wine (97).

The Closer

Two weeks later I would see The Mogul again, and this time it would be with both Big Boy and The Cardinal. Now that’s an official gathering, to be continued…

In Vino Veritas,

Dujac and Roulot

Last month saw two of Burgundy’s greatest producers join us in Hong Kong, and in case you aren’t sure if the market results spoke for themselves, let my palate speak to you instead. Time always seems to move faster when in HK, but thanks to the wines of Dujac and Roulot, time stood still on many occasions throughout the week.

The first night was at Yung Kee, a must-dining experience when in HK, don’t forget to try the goose. It was a private dinner with The Chairman, although he was a bit under the weather, so we proceeded without him, but with two of his top Generals to report back. Jean-Marc Roulot was a day behind us, but he made sure to start us off right with a 2009 Roulot Meursault Boucheres.

Road Map Madness

There was pure, crystallized fruit and great citrus dust to this clean wine. There was big character here, and sweet white fruit flavors along with light pats of butter and minerals. There would be two words that kept recurring in my descriptors of Roulot’s wines throughout the week – delicious and drinkable. The Boucheres performed accordingly (93).

We sampled a few oldies that were also goodies next, beginning with a 1959 Carruades de Lafite, which had a great nose. It was still fresh despite some cobwebs to its cedar. Quite meaty and gamey, its nose rounded out with touches of candle wax. The palate was elegant and understated, ripe without any hard edges. Vanilla flavors were first, then jasmine tea ones developed with time. It lasted longingly in the glass (94).

A 1961 Talbot lived up to the hype of the vintage. Aromas of caramel, curds and whey framed its inviting and pleasant fruit. Carob was everywhere to be found, and while its palate was soft, tender and mature, it still had nice acid, and this was still an excellent wine (93).

1961 Talbot Showing Well

The next wine blew the roof off the mother, and rightfully so, since it was a 1961 Haut Brion. It is always great when theory and practice come together, which is what happened in this glorious bottle of HB. All these old wines came from our featured collection in the Jan HK auction; those that bought from it will be very happy. The nose was so deep, possessing ‘an emotional dimension’ per Jeremy Seysses, Mr. Dujac himself. There was an enormous amount of purple and black fruit in this young and expanding wine. The fruit had a return address from chocolate city, and while fresh, it showed sex appeal with its mature, forward and fleshy qualities. The palate was rich, sumptuous and flat-out spectacular. Chunky and long, the HB also had delectable caramel and salt flavors on its finish. The 1961 Haut Brion showed the difference between good and great (98).

Move Over Talbot

I recently wrote up the 1988 Dujac Clos de la Roche; this was actually the first of two bottles that I had during the week. I need to travel with Jeremy more often! The nose was fabulous, ‘so much fruit for an ’88,’ I wrote. Jennie noted, ‘honeydew’ in its sweet nose, and Jeremy admired its ‘perfume and elegance.’ There was great spice from this ‘high acid vintage,’ and its tender palate had flesh, but its finish showed ’88 muscle. There were touches of broth and citrus to this wine, which was ‘pure pleasure’ per Sebastien and ‘sexiness with character’ per another. I gave it one point more than the second bottle sampled a couple of days later. That fact can be summed up by the three C’s: context, circumstance and competition (94).

The 1978 Dujac Clos de la Roche was a wine that made me think about greatness, as it always has. And when I started to think about greatness, I thought about three of Burgundy’s greatest vintages – 1978, 1985 and 1990. And then I thought about combining those three vintages into one entity, and asking myself who would be considered the best of the best. For me, the answer is clear, Dujac, and this 1978 reminded me why. There was a minty complexity to its crazy aromatics. So oily, so sexy and so wow, the ’78 had aromas of cherry, rose and cigar box without the cigar. This was a smoky fire pit of a wine, and autumnal flavors decorated by mint and tang provided just the right color commentary. This was polished and still fresh, again showing mature flavors but in no need of rushing. That’s what well-stored bottles of great wine do (97).

Pocket Rockets

We also had a 1999 Domaine de la Romanee Conti Romanee St. Vivant after the Dujacs, but either I was done, or the Dujacs took me away to a magical place where I could not taste anything else. It is not always easy to recalibrate to young after drinking old. 1999 and DRC is usually an undefeatable combination.

The next night we welcomed Jean-Marc Roulot, as well as magnums of three of his very special wines. But first, we had a bottle of bub, a 1996 Roederer Cristal magnum, to be exact. This has always been a pet Cristal of mine, perhaps the last great one they have made? Its sweet, buttery and kinky personality were what great Cris is all about, and it was approachable despite its intensity and zippy acidity (96M).

The first magnum of Roulot was a 2004 Roulot Meursault Charmes. Jean-Marc shared with us that he was a sixth generation winemaker, and 1989 was his first, official vintage where he was in charge. 2004 was a ‘challenging vintage’ per Jean-Marc, but the end result was ‘energy and high acidity.’ The Old Dirty Bastard found the ’04 beautiful, or perhaps he was commenting on the young waitress that just passed by. The Charmes did have a fantastic nose, very aromatic with its butter, spice, minerals and smoke. It was so ’04, so complex, so delicious and so easy to drink. There was a ‘seamlessness of flavors,’ a ‘form of polish’ and a purity here that was bordering on divine. My only question about the wine is whether it will ever get better; that goes for ’04 whites in general (95M).

Sweaty and Ready Roulots

The next white took it up a notch, it being a magnum of 1999 Roulot Meursault Perrieres. It had a deeper nose with enticing smokiness and nuttiness, and more minerality. There was this cavernous quality to the nose, and while the palate wasn’t quite as fat as the nose, but it had more length and acidity. The palate was also flintier and smokier than the nose. The ODB found the Perrieres ‘more reserved,’ and while leaner than the average ’99, it was also longer and more austere. This was a serious and substantial white that got stronger, fatter, longer, better. 1999 was ‘a classic vintage’ per Jean-Marc, ‘what we wish for every vintage.’ It reminded him of 1979, high praise, indeed (96M).

The 1985 Roulot Meursault Perrieres was ‘pungent’ and ‘aggressive’ per the ODB. There was also corn in this buttery, gamey and stalky nose. It had a touch of awkward vegetable in the nose with some wet alley there, but its flavors shook shook that mango tree. Buttery and creamy, the ’85 had sexy, candy corn flavors in an open and glazed way. It was so exotic, and it got better. There was an intensity to the flesh of the 1985, in a ‘street girl’ way. The ’04 was the Russian, the ’99 was the wife, and the ’85 was the street girl, per the only man who could come up with such an analogy. The Old Dirty Bastard still lives, and he likes it rawwwwwww (95M).

Two Handsome Gentlemen

We bid adieu to the wines of Jean-Marc, and welcomed those of Jeremy. Jeremy’s father started in the abysmal 1968 vintage, which saw an unheard 45 straight days of rain. Perhaps that was good fortune, because ‘it will never be worse than ’68,’ per papa Jacques, and so far, he has been right. The Domaine’s name actually comes from ‘Du Jacques,’ ie, of Jacques. Jeremy told us he is waiting for the right time to change the Domaine’s name to Dujeremy lol.

We started with a rare bottle of 1993 Dujac Chambolle Musigny Gruenchers, of which only 900 bottles were made. The ODB was cooing early, finding the wine ‘delicious,’ and he was right. Jeremy noted how in 1993 the grapes were at the lower end of ripeness, alluding that ripeness does not always mean greatness in Burgundy. The Gruenchers had a fabulous nose, stalky and stemmy like a good ’93 should be, along with perfume and oily fruit. I never had that epiphany moment that many have when it comes to great wine, but this ’93 Gruenchers definitely felt like the first time. There was fruit, substance and wow to this drinkable and thinkable red (95).

Delicious Dujacs

The 1997 Dujac Bonnes Mares had the rubber, citrus and stew of 1997, benevolently green with bamboo to support. The palate was soft, plush and some kind of wonderful; it was a very pure wine. Jeremy shared that his father had an ‘affinity and affection’ for 1997, which happened to be the vintage where Jeremy first put his feet in the grapes, so to speak. Although he didn’t fully take over until 2005, Jeremy modestly shared that he started to have influence in 2001, as much as that would be possible with a father around who had done things his way for the last thirty years lol. I know that feeling! Jeremy felt that it wasn’t the ‘greatest vintage but to my taste and very Dujac.’ Traces of cinnamon were present in this vibrant red. ‘Fifteen years is a good age to drink Grand Cru Burgundy,’ especially from the average to good years (ie too soon for the great ones still!) (93).

The 1990 Dujac Echezeaux just came in and dunked on the two previous wines at the same time. Remember the statement about ’78, ’85 and ’90? Here was the case for the 1990. This was a high-pitched wine whose nose was meaty, oily and minty. The fruit was what 1990 should be, I wrote, meaning not the stewed perplexity from this vintage that many wines have attained. There was an exotic, limey edge that made things on my body stand up. This was a rich, noble wine with soda, grape and bamboo flavors (96).

Here was the case for 1985 Dujacs, argued brilliantly by a magnum of 1985 Dujac Clos St. Denis. Its nose was sexy silky sweet without the comma, along with perfumed. There was both richness and elegance here, with flashes of Red Light District and a drop of exotic Hamas oil. Imagine that lol, but that’s what it was, and the 1985 immediately took my palate hostage. The palate was incredibly tasty, with autumnal flavors that blended in between tea and wet sex. Wet, hot sex. This wine was so great; it was saucy without being heavy, and it had the ODB with both hands under the table. He thumped on that the 1985 was ‘immortal and perpetual like a great bond.’ Yes, the ODB is also a banker lol (97M).

Could it be possible? A 1978 Dujac Clos de la Roche on consecutive nights? This feat reduced my bucket list by one. There was even more richness here than the 1985. I wrote, ‘so complicated, see last night’s notes.’ There was a honeyed richness to it on this night, along with a minerality that sung zippedy doo dah. Someone remarked how the 1985 was ‘soulful and weightless’ while the ’78 was ‘earthy and rustic.’ Jeremy reminded us how the Grand Crus only represent 2% of the production in Burgundy. Top of the pyramid, for sure (97+).

There was one more night before showtime, and the wines from both Domaines were ready for another sneak preview performance. The 2009 Roulot Meursault Tillets was stunningly delicious, and the third 2009 Meursault from Roulot to show extremely well this week. There was no doubt about its pleasure and drinkability, but it was still cut and classic with nice minerals and toast. It was pretty yet serious, but it was so good to drink, arguably as good as it will get. While most Burgundy white lovers are already in the 2010 camp over 2009s, there is no doubting Jean-Marc made fabulous nines (93+).

A Lineup to Love

The 2008 Roulot Meursault Tessons, Clos de Mon Plaisir had great aromas of dust, citrus and spice. There was a lemony goodness to its nose, and a desert-like complexity with its warm, sunny fruit. There was more body and power here in the ’08, yet this was another delicious Roulot. It’s as if he has a trademark on deliciousness! Tangy citrus flavors and firm acidity highlighted the Tessons (93).

The 2006 Roulot Meursault Tessons, Clos de Mon Plaisir was fresh, sweet and divine. It was in an even better spot with a couple more years of bottle age, and its smoky, fleshy palate drank so well, it felt as if it had been sprinkled with fairy dust. Yet another delicious Roulot (94).

The second flight continued the trending with a 2007 Roulot Meursault Porusot, which was deep and reserved by comparison. There were some complex pheromones in its nose, along with snowcapped, citrus ice flavors. The 2007 was ‘one of my favorite vintages,’ Jean-Marc told us. This was a big and brooding wine with a long, lingering and sexy finish. 2007 whites do rock. This is the vintage that Roulot considers the first ‘real 100% Roulot Porusot’ since it is when they began to do all the vineyard work, also keeping the entire harvest (94+).

Jean-Marc on the Mic

Next up was a 2004 Roulot Meursault Boucheres, a wine that Roulot no longer makes. RIP, 1996-2010. Now, he has the monopole vineyard of Clos de Boucheres, whose first vintage will be 2011, and Jean-Marc is very excited to work with this even better terroir. The Boucheres still stood on its own, as this was a ‘precise’ wine per one, possessing ‘lemon sorbet’ per another. There were aromas and flavors of sweet citrus, mountain snow and minerals to go with its long finish. There was more structure here, but a touch of squareness to match. This was a powerhouse which got smokier in the glass (94).

It was time to say goodbye to Roulot, but what a goodbye it was. The 1996 Roulot Meursault Charmes had this unusual burnt plastic meets talcum powder thing going on, but somehow in a great way. This was baby bottoms up, with more open fruit and lots of honey to go with its signature lemon. The acid still longed to go on, and its flavors had this unusual yet exciting new car meets fireplace action, as in the new car got you in front of the fireplace, you know what comes next. The 1996 Charmes was incredibly and unusually complex, and on the money (95M).

Enter Sandman, I mean Dujac, with a pair of Captain Grunchers, 1998 meets 1997. The 1998 Dujac Chambolle Musigny Gruenchers was tight and serious in the nose, still perfumed but its zip, intensity and structure were clearly in the front seat. The palate was long and near outstanding, with rose and cherry red flavors, along with a leathery finish that also had ‘shroom, earth and cedar flavors. Great juice (94).

The 1997 Dujac Chambolle Musigny Gruenchers was delicious and forward, tasty and ripe with green tannins and an open and giving personality. Many preferred the open style of the 1997. One gentleman who shall certainly remain nameless likened the 1998 to the wife, and the 1997 to the girlfriend. This made me content with preferring the 1998 (93).

Jeremy ‘Biggie’ Seysses

A pair of 1996s had me clearly in one camp again. The 1996 Dujac Clos St. Denis had acid in its nose in that usual 1996 screechy way. There were also aromas of bamboo, green fruit, citrus and lemon in this clean and vibrant red (93).

The 1996 Dujac Clos de la Roche had a deeper nose and possessed more fruit; there was a volume here unmatched by any red on this night. There was power, acid and more flesh on the palate, which had purple and vitamin flavors and a thick finish (95).

The last flight was a pair of magnums, beginning with the 2000 Dujac Clos de la Roche. This was another wine that instantly felt special, and particularly clean, fine and dusty in its aromatic profile. This came across as a very drinkable vintage, with chocolaty aromas and sweet, fruit salad flavors. This was pretty yet still serious (93M).

A Different Perspective

The 2000 Dujac Bonnes Mares had a deeper nose with this Bordeaux edge to it. I can’t make out most of the rest of my note, although thick and foresty remained legible. It was a good thing this was the last wine of the night (92M).

It was a memorable week, thanks to two of Burgundy’s most memorable producers. It was amazing to me how delicious everything was, and I mean everything. Every great cellar will always remain incomplete without wines from Dujac and Roulot.

One Eye Always Open After Dinner

In Vino Veritas,

Jiu Gui Hui

Same to you, pal. Actually, the Jiu Gui Hui (pronounced Joe Gway Hwee, I’m told) means the Wine Ghost Society, a secret Shanghai Wine Society where gentlemen by the names of Ignition, Big Bee, China Live, Scratch and Boomtime convene on a regular basis. This night’s dinner was at Roosevelt Prime Steakhouse, the finest of its kind in this ever-expanding city, and I was in great spirits by the end of the evening thanks to these spirited ‘ghosts.’

Prime’ Time

The bar was set quite highly right away with a 1949 Cheval Blanc. While it was a Calvet Negociant bottling, I don’t recall a Chateau-bottling that was ever considerably better. It needed a minute to blow off some old, pent-up steam, but there was deep fruit inside with some wheat thin borders. Dark and rich, this was a classic Cheval with a sturdy, thick finish that came across youthfully (96).

A 1961 Leoville Las Cases buddied up with the Cheval, and began a procession of Leovilles as well. Its nose was divine, sweet and sexy, full of chocolate and caramel with nice spice. There were ‘no rough edges,’ and the silkiness of Las Cases really shined. This was a delicious, long, smooth and satiny wine, one with a classic profile and an elegant and dusty finish that was still zippy. While stylistically opposite in many ways to the Cheval, it was just as good, perhaps even more natural in its drinkability and enjoyment factors (96).

1949 Cheval Blanc

The 1982 Leoville Las Cases, an ‘Ashley Judd of a wine,’ had a very coy and dusty nose. There were wafer, cassis and deep plum fruit aromas. There was outstanding length and acidity, real ‘backbone,’ yet it was still elegant and refined. It had a spicy finish that also had a touch of awkward flavors (95).

The next wine felt so much younger, even though it was a 1990 Leoville Las Cases. There was deep, inky fruit here; even thought it was 23 years old, it felt underage. This was a rich, saucy, thick and chunky wine full of blue and black fruits. It was quite impressive in the fact that it was so young, and so great. There was almost a Napa richness to this wine. Within the last three or so years, this wine won a major 1990 Blind Horizontal tasting I did in Hong Kong; it is still looking very strong, and like one of my wines of the vintage (96+).

The 2000 Leoville Las Cases was relatively disappointing, given how much I love this vintage. As known by those that read all my articles, I tasted all five First Growths from 2000 a week later, and they all showed considerably better than the Leoville on this night. This was elegant and wheaty, but lean and shut down. It had some zip, but I felt like I couldn’t feel the greatness in the wine on this night. Certainly, it will show better in the future and probably has in the past (93+).

Leoville Lineup

A mouthful of 1990 Beuasejour Duffau was generously offered by another table. I wish I got more. It had a thick, sweet nose full of black and blue fruit, along with cola and mint aromas. The palate was also thick, as well as rich with a long finish. It reminded me a bit of the Cheval we just had, actually more like the 1947. Those are big words, but the 1990 Beausejour Duffau is a big wine. I still can’t understand why nothing else this estate has made has come close the quality of their 1990. I need to sit down with a full bottle of this wine again soon (96).

A 1988 Clinet had a nice Pomerol nose with a touch of sour candy to it. There was fleshy fruit in this tasty wine, which was a bit lighter and more ready than the previous flight, but a pleasant and enjoyable wine (92).

A 1996 Pichon Baron had nice fruit for a ’96, although it was a touch stinky. Unusually cherry, it also had a tangy finish (90).

It was time for the Burgundies, beginning with a ‘flowery’ 2000 Mugnier Musigny. There was sexy fruit here, a red sexy, along with catnip, vitamin, citrus and wet bamboo. The palate had nice flesh and was gamy with ‘good vibrancy’ per China Live. While I found my first encounter with this wine to be excellent, the other Burgs that followed it knocked it down a peg to very good (92).

Burgundy Time

The 2001 Meo-Camuzet Corton Clos Rognet was a special wine. It had a deep, dark nose with lots of power. You could ‘smell the tannin’ in this ‘huge’ wine. Additional aromas of wet wool and slate morphed into lamb meat and resource-laden rock. Powerful, deep and dark all appeared in my notes again. This wine came across younger than most 2001s and had ‘twenty years to go,’ according to one. It was like ‘a glycerin umbrella’ per China Live, and this fantastic red wasn’t slowed down by a touch of burnt rubber on its finish, which was in the pedal to the metal family. This was a wow wine (95).

The 2003 DRC Romanee St. Vivant had that forward, ’03 edge and while ripe, it had more in reserve than many other wines from the same vintage. There were aromas of cola, dust, blueberry, spice and orange tang. Tasty flavors of iron, rose and ‘eucalyptus’ per Jennie blended in well with this rich and ripe wine. This was a hearty har har red that was thick and put on some weight (94+).

A 1949 Climens closed out the evening in fine fashion with its ‘oolong, mint and camphor’ notes. Honey and mahogany never looked so go together. I’d like everyone to meet Honey, and this is Mahogany lol. Well, it was Shanghai, and this spectacular Sauternes sent us off into the cold, January night with warmth in our souls.

In Vino Veritas,

Lunch with the Forbidden Cellar

Way atop the ICC building on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong some 100 floors high, there is a fabulous and exclusive Japanese restaurant named RyuGin, which is normally closed for lunch. However, when it comes to The Forbidden Cellar, the word ‘closed’ is also verboten. So open the restaurant did, just for us, and we were treated to an exquisite menu personally selected by its chef. We were joined by winemakers and proprietors extraordinaire Jeremy Seysses (of Dujac) and Jean-Marc Roulot (of Roulot, of course).

Room with a View

When it comes to wines, the Forbidden Cellar is one of the world’s greatest, with incredible depth and breadth, and a passion for things that are old and mature. With a heart as giving as his palate is knowledgeable, it is always a pleasure to feed off and drink from his seemingly endless fountain of youth.

What a Lineup

When it comes to food, he also has an appreciation for the finer things, and the menu included such delicacies as Monkfish liver (the foie gras of the sea), seasonal Matsubagani Snow Crab, Wagyu and tempura of Shirako, which was quite delicious. I couldn’t believe something so soft and near-liquid could be tempura’d, so to speak. I then found out that Shirako is the sperm sac of the codfish. After gathering myself and coming to terms with my first time, I told them if they needed something extra to fry, to just give me five minutes.

Monkfish Liver

The Forbidden Cellar can be quite spontaneous, not necessarily going by conventional wisdom, so the 1962 Leroy Richebourg was opened first. This was a bottle from a case that was recently released directly from the Domaine, and it had a fabulous nose accordingly. There was this great autumnal edge to its fresh, purple and citrus fruit. There was also this hot shot of tabasco in there. The palate was more about wheat and grain flavors, with a dry finish and lean fruit on the tea side. It was an excellent wine, but it never quite took off in the glass, and I wanted more from it (93).

Snow Crab

Next up was a 1985 Haut Brion Blanc, which had created a bit of controversy in weeks prior, when I wasn’t present. In fact, this bottle was the reason we got together in the first place; I was summoned to settle this royal debate. The HBB was incredibly exotic and gamey in its nose, with aromas of guava, honey and pineapple. This was a tropical, fleshy and sexy white which exuded opulence. The palate was a touch drier, with flavors of glue and straw. This was a yellow, golden wine when it came to the hue of its flavors, and while it was more reserved on the palate, it also seemed fully mature. Its finish was completely integrated and soft. This was quite surprising, as HBB’s can age forever. The kick was up, and the verdict was good (94).

Magical White

Michael pulled out a 1945 Louis Latour Aloxe Corton Les Valozieres for fun, but it was a lot more than that. 1945 is one of the great, great, all-time great vintages for Burgundy and the world, and this theoretically ‘simple’ Aloxe showed why. Its nose was earthy and brothy, quite aromatic. Jeremy observed ‘skunk,’ later adding ‘beetroot and strong musk.’ I found sweet coffee, and someone else commented on how ‘powerful’ the wine was, a quality of the vintage. The palate was delicious, with flavors of sugar cane stalk, cedar, earth, light citrus and red beef broth. I was torn between 93 and 94 points, but ultimately decided (93).It is amazing how some 93 point wines can be disappointing, while others can be thrilling.

We then had some $2000 a bottle Sake, which was the first Sake I have ever found likeable, but I’ll still take the Petrus instead . It was at this point that Jeremy shared with us a lesson his math teacher once shared with him. I forget the whole story, but I remember the moral, ‘A few moments of pleasure, a lifetime of regret.’ The Forbidden Cellar begged to differ, as he was more in the ‘few moments of regret, lifetime of pleasure’ camp. I don’t call it The Forbidden Cellar for nothing, you know.

Super Sake

The 1949 Vogue Musigny Vieilles Vignes quickly brought time to a standstill. This was a holy shit wine, the kind the Pope takes lol. Its nose was perfect, with divine aromas of rose, sauce, oil, garden, chocolate and complex BBQ. The Forbidden Cellar found it ‘out of this world,’ and this salt-grilled, Wagyu edge rounded out its evolving nose. The Wagyu came later, by the way. It was in a perfect spot, so mature yet still so fresh. The palate was rich and sensuous, with its acid still there in a big way. It had exceptional strength for a 1949; most ’49 Burgs are fully mature and completely integrated, hanging on to yesteryear as opposed to today. This was a rich, lush and fabulous wine that lingered in that special, ‘waiting for you even though you just met’ kind of way. Perfect appeared in my notes again (99).

The Stars Aligning

One would think that this would be a good time to end lunch, but this was lunch with the Forbidden Cellar, so a break was allowed…for about sixty seconds, before a 1952 DRC Richebourg appeared next. Those who have been reading my notes for the last ten or so years know that 1952 is a phenomenal vintage for Burgundy, and the Right Bank for that matter. This DRC was no exception and another WOW wine. It was deep, bloody and beefy yet red and rosy at the same time, kind of like Big Red Riding Hood with a hatchet. There was oil in ‘dem dar hills, along with caramel, salt, spice, mesquite, tobacco, tabasco and garden. There was pungency to its nose that bordered on half pheromones, half drugs. Its palate was rich and lush with touches of minerals, ceramics and tea time. It had a ‘deeper voice’ per Jeremy, and certainly more strength than the Vogue. Rich and lush appeared again in my notes, kind of like when you say the same thing over and over when you are drunk and trying to impress some girl. Hopefully she’s drunk, too, because then that means you are making sense, but I digress. Tickles of coffee, hay and browned bouillon fruit added complexity to the palate, even if it wasn’t needed at this point. Fantastic (97).


It was a good week for sure, as this was the second time I had a 1988 Dujac Clos de la Roche. Dujac’s ’88 is in a great spot right now, and atypical for the vintage. There was beautiful fruit here and an elegance that most wines from this year lack. There was nice spice, nice citrus, nice acid and a nice finish. It was so nice to meet you again (93).

Jeremy shared some more childhood wisdom with us, something about commitment and involvement, and the difference between the two. ‘It’s kind of like eggs and bacon,’ he continued, ‘the chicken is involved, the pig is committed.’ Since I was born in the year of the pig, consider me committed, however you want to define it!

A half-bottle of 1953 Petrus snuck out next, and it was a soft, tender beauty. It had a complicated nose of plum, chocolate, dust, garden and spice. The palate was soft yet delicious; it had length without distance. Since it was a half-bottle, I’ll give it half a note (94).

A 2009 Roulot Tessons Mon Plaisir was classic Roulot and absolutely delicious. Man, his wines are so easy to drink and give so much pleasure. This was classy juice, and this vineyard should be Premier Cru. Jean-Marc called it ‘a good introduction’ to Roulot. Nice to meet you again, too (93).

Good Will Ambassadors

There was one more wine, a 1985 Guigal Cote-Rotie La Landonne, but it was enough already. The first sip was spectacular, but from there on after, I think I was shot. Who shot JWK? The Forbidden Cellar, of course, right through my heart. Amazingly, I still survived. Yes sir, may I have another. Oh yeah, by the way, the Guigal was deep, saucy, rich and beefy with classic menthol, violet and winter. It was definitely at least 95 points, but I really wasn’t in a position to rate effectively any more.

Words to Drink By

It was another magical occasion thanks to The Forbidden Cellar. Life will always be richer for those that have the opportunity to enter and meet its wise and generous master.

In Vino Veritas,

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